Pet for children: which one to choose?

The relationship between children and animals is a profound relationship, but how can a parent decide which pet is the most suitable and when is the best time to get one? In this article we will analyze the advantages and disadvantages of different pets, explaining what is at the basis of this desire.

But first, here is a useful video to learn to familiarize yourself with your 4-legged friend!

Pet for children: looking for a faithful friend

The ardent desire of every child to have a pet comes from the desire to have a faithful friend next to them, who will go through all the moments of great difficulty with them. Because an animal friend is there, he doesn't ask questions, he doesn't judge you and just wait for lots of pampering.

Many children develop a very close relationship with their pet and in general, they show that they appreciate animals of all kinds. It is important that from an early age they are introduced to the knowledge of different animals and their needs, so they will quickly learn what it means to take care of an animal and know how to give it all the love in the world.

A few examples? They will learn that the cat's tail is not pulled, that dog food belongs only to the dog, or that the rabbit wants to be left alone especially when he is sleeping or eating.

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Precocious children

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Discover the world with your pet: child's stuff!

The children and their trusty furry friends, after an initial acquaintance, will be ready to discover the world. The important thing is to never forget that the dog, the cat, the rabbit ... are still animals and you must never bring them. out of their context.

Prepare to be overwhelmed with questions: Why does my dog ​​wag its tail? Why does the rabbit chew food for so long? Why does the cat ruffle its fur? These are just some of the questions your child will ask you when getting to know the animal.

Animals can be of great help to their little friends and help them overcome some obstacles related to bad behavior. A few examples? An affectionate dog will know how to make his owner less shy, or a restless child will learn from the cat that he can sit still and cuddle without having to run around the house.

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Pets for children: hygiene, care and responsibility

If you are considering getting a pet but are concerned about hygiene, rest assured that there is no danger to be overly concerned about. Even if the child makes the dog eat from his spoon and then eats it too, no one will get sick from it! Just do periodic checks by the vet and always keep clean the spaces where the dog or cat stay permanently.

What you should always keep in mind when choosing a pet is that the primary burden of care and responsibility always rests with the parents. And often the life of an animal is long! Children grow up, maybe they lose interest or leave home. And you? Are you still willing to take care of the pet?

If you want to find out which pet might be best suited to your family, take a look at the list below.

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Advantages and disadvantages of cats as pets

As pets, cats are very easy to care for because they spend hours alone and don't need to be walked around. Children are also usually enthusiastic about cats, because with their soft fur and purrs, they satisfy the cuddle factor often desired by little ones.

In addition, cats can be kept well on their own. However, they should then have the option of going outside. If cats are to be kept only indoors, you should choose two: alone is very boring.

Since cats are very independent, children need to learn when it is best to leave them alone to prevent them from getting nervous and scratching. If you are thinking of getting a cat or two, try taking a look at the catteries: it is full of friends waiting for a new home.

The costs for a cat are around € 50 / month between food and veterinary visits. Cats must be insured under family liability insurance.
Don't forget: cats easily turn twenty!

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Pet for children: the dog

On the children's wish list, the dog usually comes first! Why?

Dogs really are the ideal partner for children (as long as you choose the right breed). The dog is much more affectionate than other animals, it is always ready to play and strengthen self-confidence.

The dog, however, unlike the cat, needs much more care and this is an aspect to take into consideration before taking one. Going out for a walk three times a day, whatever the weather and whatever the time, will have to be taken outside; moreover, with a dog it will not even be so easy to go on vacation. All this and much more is part of the daily life of the owners. of dogs, not to mention that the faithful four-legged friend should visit the dog school to obtain at least a basic education.

The monthly costs for a dog are around 100 € / month if we consider the food, the veterinarian and any insurance. In addition there are the costs for all accessories and any training (basic course in the dog school - 150-200 €).

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What if the child wants a parrot?

Anyone who has ever had a budgie knows how much fun and pleasure it can give. They are beautiful to look at, with their feathers of a thousand colors, they are meek animals to have fun and joke with.

Budgies are pets, but they are the first to need a companion: if possible, therefore, better take a pair! Children often do not find birds that interesting, also because they are more difficult to pet than dogs and cats. For this reason budgies are better suited to older children, able to show a real interest in them.

Keeping them requires a cage large enough for them to move and fly inside. Even though they are small animals, they still have a physiological need for movement.

Budgies tend to live for a long time, even 15 years, so if your child, once they grow up, won't have more interest, know that the animal will still be with you!

To keep one or two budgies, consider around € 15-20 a month.

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Advantages and disadvantages of the rabbit as a pet

Rabbits, against common opinion, are not suitable pets for small children, because they do not like being raised and cuddled in the first place, and transport is usually more than unpleasant for them.

If you decide to have a rabbit as a pet, you need to make sure there is enough space for the pet. The usual cages are often too small. Leave two square meters of space per pet. Rabbits should also be kept in pairs, ideally. one neutered rabbit and one not.

Rabbits are very easy to maintain, are usually house trained, can reach the age of ten if well kept, and only need hay, water and fresh vegetables (lettuce, carrots, apples) as well as enough space. .

Costs per pet are around € 10-15 per month.

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Pet for children: the guinea pigs

Guinea pigs are very popular with children aged 4 to 14, but the same rules apply here as for rabbits. They don't like being lifted and carried around and need a lot of space.

By the way, a guinea pig is not a suitable partner to replace a rabbit and vice versa, although this is repeatedly stated. They are completely different species, not knowing what to do with each other!

Guinea pigs are not always house-trained, but otherwise easy to care for and can live to be around 4-8 years (although they can also age considerably). Just like rabbits, areas designated for their needs, must be cleaned twice a week.

The costs for food and the veterinarian are around € 10-15 per animal and per month.

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Help: my son wants a mouse!

Mice usually get very tame and are nice playmates. However, they usually only live to be around two years old, so your child's tears are something to be reckoned with.

The cage should be cleaned every two days, as otherwise the rodents can smell a lot. Hamsters are relatively simple to maintain and, in addition to hiding in the cage, they only need food and water, fresh vegetables and fruit, as well as a few toys to climb on.

The cost for two mice (you need to keep at least two to prevent them from dying of loneliness) is around € 10-15 per month.

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Advantages and disadvantages of fish as pets

Fish are considered the easiest "pets" to care for and this is partly true. They do not need any particular care, but only food and clean water, which in some aquariums is created automatically through a special filter. Fish should have a calming effect on babies.

However, if you want to set up a real fish farm in your home aquarium, get advice from a professional also and above all for setting up your first aquarium.

The purchase costs depend on the size of the aquarium, the plants and the density of the fish (minimum 100 €).