Cellulite? We start to fight at the table. Discover the nutritionist's advice!

We asked the nutritionist Patrizia Cusano who is supporting the protagonists of I Can Farcela !: an 8-week remise en forme program dedicated to 20 women selected from over 300 candidates, followed by a team of nutritionists, fitness experts and life heath coaches. .

A healthy diet is the first ally in our daily battle against cellulite and orange peel skin, we offer below the friendly and enemy foods for bikini-proof legs.

The enemies

1. Salt
It is better to limit foods that are very salty in your diet and avoid putting salt directly on pasta or rice: it is better to add it only to the cooking water. Also pay attention to the nutritional labels of foods and exclude those foods that have salt as the first ingredient ( also in the form of other names, such as: Na, sodium chloride, monosodium phosphate, sodium bicarbonate or sodium glutamate).

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2. Salami
Bread and salami is a classic of our childhood snacks and every now and then we can indulge in it even as adults, but it is better not to overdo it: cold cuts contain cholesterol and saturated fats and should be included sparingly in our diet.

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3. Fried
Supplì, arancini and french fries are foods as appetizing as they are harmful for our line, therefore they are fully among the bitter enemies of perfect legs. Better to opt for simple cooking (steam and grill): they are healthier and enhance the flavors of the food.

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4. Coffee
Espresso, Lungo, Macchiato, Ristretto… For many, coffee is essential to start the day with a sprint or to finish a meal worthily, but excesses of coffee are to be banned (remember not to exceed 2-3 cups a day).

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5. Alcohol
Alcoholic beverages are also among the enemies of the line (and of our legs). Wine, beer and spirits tire the liver, preventing it from expelling waste substances.

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1. Water
Drinking plenty of still water helps to eliminate, through the urine, the liquids retained by the tissues. Every day we should drink between 1200 ml (6 glasses) and 2000 ml (10 glasses) of water, but the quantities increase in summer or if you practice physical activity: with sweating you also expel mineral salts that must be replenished!

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2. Vegetables
Vegetables are satiating and low in calories. This is why they are highly recommended to keep cellulite problems under control. Of course, seasonal vegetables should always be preferred (be careful to avoid canned foods!) And remember to vary your diet as much as possible: fennel, endive, celery, artichokes, asparagus, carrots ... you are spoiled for choice!

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3. Apricots
Consume fruit in large quantities. Apricots in particular are rich in potassium (1370 mg per 100g), a substance capable of counteracting sodium, which on the contrary promotes water retention.

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4. Blueberries
Blueberries contain a large amount of vasotrophic substances called rutosides, which protect the vessel walls and are therefore very suitable for fighting cellulite!

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5. Peas
Peas (but also potatoes, lentils and onion - especially if it is eaten raw) have diuretic properties and facilitate the elimination of excess liquids and waste substances. In addition, their intake of fibers increases the speed of transit. intestinal, facilitating the evacuation of food waste (a good functioning of the intestine is another fundamental point to effectively combat the disorder.

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This article was written in collaboration with Dr. Patrizia Cusano, Nutritionist for the project I can Farcela !.