Spirulina algae: properties and benefits of this miraculous algae!

Spirulina algae is the queen of superfoods! Its properties and benefits are truly miraculous. Are you ready to find out what it is for, if it is useful for weight loss and the many different ways to consume it (from powder to tablets)? let's take a closer look at what it is.

Spirulina algae is a spiral-shaped blue-green algae and belongs to the category of cyanobacteria, microorganisms of millenary origin capable of absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen. Known since ancient times in tropical regions, today it is grown mainly in the artificial lakes (it is a "freshwater algae) of Mexico and China: to grow it needs high alkalinity, mineral salts and temperatures between 30 and 40 degrees.

In 1974 spirulina was named "food of the future" at the UN World Food Conference and "best food of the 21st century" by the WHO. Its high content of nutrients is such that it is indispensable even for astronauts in their space missions: let's find out what they are and let's focus on its properties and benefits. But first, take a look at these other very useful (and delicious) superfoods:

What is spirulina algae for? Properties and benefits, from skin to thyroid and much more

Spirulina algae is a truly complete food: it contains proteins, essential amino acids, iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, selenium, vitamins in quantity (A, B, C, E), essential fatty acids (especially omega 6). nutrients have numerous beneficial properties.

First, spirulina is very useful for fighting cholesterol and helping the immune system function. Its antioxidant qualities are also known: it is excellent, in fact, to counteract free radicals and the aging process.

Spirulina is a real cure-all for our skin! It is no coincidence that it is used for moisturizing and anti-aging face creams, as well as being excellent for toning, firming and nourishing the skin of the whole body thanks to its high content of vitamins A, B and E, which also make it very effective against acne.

Our favorite seaweed is also excellent for regularizing the cycle and reducing menstrual pain. It helps us against fatigue, anemia (it contains a lot of iron!), But also cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.

Anti-inflammatory, energizing, antioxidant and detoxifying: the qualities of spirulina are truly unmatched! It is also a food that does not create any problems for those suffering from thyroid disorders, although medical advice is recommended due to the possible interference with other drugs being taken.

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Is spirulina algae used for weight loss?

Spirulina algae has a very high protein content and can be very useful for weight loss if you follow a protein diet. With its high nutrient content, it allows you to stay fit by consuming small amounts of food, without missing anything from our daily needs .

The spirulina algae, not surprisingly, is the basis of many dietary supplements, used above all by those who perform a sporting activity, precisely because of its high intake of vitamins and mineral salts. Find out now what other foods are indicated for fast weight loss:

See also: Foods That Boost Metabolism: All Foods That Help You Lose Weight!

© iStock Foods that speed up metabolism: all foods for weight loss!

Powder or tablet? How to consume spirulina algae

Spirulina algae is generally sold in powder or tablet form. As an ingredient it can be added to your infusions, diluted in a glass of water, in a juice or other liquid compound, in soups, or added to doughs. You can also find it in flakes, to use it as a condiment. Of course, it is very important to always check its origin and that it comes from supervised crops.

As for the quantities, it is always better not to take quantities exceeding 5 grams per day, which could lead to contraindications. Between 1 gram and 5 is the right measure, given the high concentration of nutrients it contains. What are you waiting for to try it?

For more useful information on the properties of spirulina algae, you can visit the Humanitas website.