Aphta: causes, symptoms and possible remedies

The first ailment that is accused is a localized burning, which in a few days will turn into a "red and blistered area. When the pain becomes more intense it will mean that the latter will have become a small open ulcer".
How do you recognize it? It usually has an oval shape and a color between white and yellowish. Around the "afta c" there is always a sort of inflamed red ring, with a diameter that can range from 3-4 mm to 1 cm. It may happen that several canker sores form at the same time.
How soon do they disappear? The duration goes from 1 to 4 weeks and in the meantime, in addition to the pain, we can be seized by a sense of exhaustion and even fever.

Aphthae are formed for the most diverse reasons. Spice sufferers), hot foods and drinks, but also those dentures with edges that tend to be sharp.
However, the most common cause is stress: yet another confirmation that states of anxiety, tension and depression have physical consequences.

See also Swollen eyes: causes, symptoms and remedies