Cat mites: a serious ailment for your 4-legged friend

Is your cat scratching a lot, itching and discomfort and in the ears? They could be mites! Find out how to recognize them and how to cure them in a short time to give your cat the pampering and well-being it deserves. Are you sure you understand your cat at the first "meow"? Watch the video and discover many little curiosities about cats to increase your knowledge and turn yourself into a real cat lover: Meow!

Cat mites: various types of parasites

Mites are common parasites of cats, to which they can cause, in addition to an annoying and intense itch, even greater problems, seriously damaging their health. Fortunately, there are specific products that are very effective against these body mites and against those of the ear. The various types of mites differ according to the area of ​​the cat's body, in which they are positioned. Ear mites attack the auditory pavilion. , but also the neck and mouth, often causing serious inflammation on the skin of cats. When the cat scratches itself conspicuously due to the itching, it has a patina around the ear that flakes and shakes its head to get rid of a discomfort, These are symptoms of mite infestation. In these cases the earwax increases greatly and the inside of the ears becomes inflamed. The mite in the ear canal of animals affected by these parasites passes from egg to larva and then to the adult stage.
The orange-colored stinging mite or Trombicula autumnalis is also called the harvest mite; in Europe it appears in summer. The autumnal chigger lives on the ground, but climbs on the grass and positions itself on the cat's tail or mouth. he adult parasite occurs on the feline. The mange mite is transmitted by contact from animal to animal. These mites, rarer in Europe, attack old and battered animals. They infiltrate under the first layer of skin, depositing eggs and faeces: this causes severe itching and hair loss. The transition from egg to larva and then to adult animal occurs on the cat and remains permanently, if not properly treated. With a magnifying glass the owner of the cat or the veterinarian can identify if these are predators called mesostigmata due to their hexagon shape and short legs. When a cat is infested with these predatory mites (usually for common use of an environment) the symptoms include itching, licking to and areas free of lint. Also in this case the development of the parasite takes place on the cat's body.

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Symptoms and therapy to combat mites in cats

The symptoms vary according to the species of parasites attacking the cat. The skin areas of animals attacked by these parasites are always affected by intense itching, caused either by the movement of the parasite or by the cat's allergy to the saliva or feces of the mites. Therefore, irritated areas are often created and the cat, scratching until the blood comes out, can cause the formation of hairless areas in the body.
In addition to these disorders, the infestation can also cause a lot of pain to the cat due to inflammation in the ear. In the points that are injured, when the feline scratches itself, pathogenic microorganisms, germs and bacteria can penetrate, which entering the blood can cause even serious pathologists. In these cases it is always good to have the cat examined by the vet, who will choose the most suitable treatment. In the case of elderly and debilitated animals, the consequences can be more serious and infestations by mites can even have lethal outcomes. Topical anti-mite remedies are usually used, always after consultation with the veterinarian. However, this type of treatment does not always carry out an effective action in this way, since, due to the itching, the cat, licking itself, removes the product, minimizing its effectiveness in solving the problem, which therefore can drag on for a long time. The new anti-mite products have managed to bring immediate and long-lasting solutions to this serious ailment. They are made with a biological formula which, while not using chemicals that are harmful to the animals to be disinfected, manages to effectively combat mite infestations in cats. The novelty that makes them so effective lies in the fact that the substances are integrated into a porous structure, which does not release the compound and its active ingredients at once, but gradually and first of all eliminating the itch. In this way, the cat, no longer experiencing itching, does not feel the need to scratch and, therefore, the skin does not break and can heal more easily and in a short time. Therefore, the first reason for the effectiveness of these new products lies precisely in this slow release system of the substance and in the elimination of that terrible tingling, which leads the feline to scratch blood. There are different products for the ears and for the body.

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Prevention and visits to the vet: a valid remedy against mites

Real enemies for the health of your pets are internal and external parasites. Often if these infestations are not given too much importance, animals can suffer serious consequences. The problem of cat mites can not only be seen and treated by its owner, it can also be avoided with prevention. Sometimes, due to intense itching, vessels and capillaries of the auricular cartilage, where blood accumulates, can be ruptured. Drains are needed, otherwise a fibrous clot will form. When the veterinarian has to introduce the otoscope to identify parasites, he turns it on only after having inserted it, to prevent the parasite from hiding. He can also insert a cotton swab and then analyze the sample in the laboratory and identify eggs or larvae. However, the cat's ears must be checked constantly. And clean every two, three days. It is usually believed that the infection stems from stray cats, but breeding cats can also have parasites in their ears. If the cat and dog are often together, sleep close together, and maybe sometimes lick each other, a follow-up visit is necessary to ensure that the cat does not transmit the mites to his friend by contact. There are pesticides that applied to the nape of the cat, are absorbed by the capillaries and are able to eliminate the mites that feed on blood and lymph. In addition, there are also gels that combine the oily and solvent capacity of the drops with their acaricidal effectiveness and are more powerful the more you can insert the cannula in depth.
It is also advisable to use some product to disinfect surfaces, in order to eliminate germs and bacteria for a long time.

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Cat mites: Otodectes cynotis

Otodectes cynotis is a very common mite in cat ear infestations, as it easily adapts to different environments. When cats have itchy ears, in most cases it is fleas or Otodectes cynotis, another external parasite. The eggs of Otodectes cynotis hatch after a few days in the ear canal. The larva that emerges passes through several nymphal stages (pupa) and then becomes an adult parasite, which, by reproducing, abundantly increases the infestation, despite having about two months of life. They are whitish and the females have much larger bodies than the males, they are easily visible if the cat is still during the visit. The ear canal infestation can also spread to the head, face or tail, as cats tend to roll up while sleeping. The saliva of otodectes cynotis can cause irritation and many cats are allergic to these parasites. Otodectes cynotis often causes external otitis in cats with evident symptoms. A dry discharge of a light brownish slightly yellowish or dark brown comes out of the ear. A healthy cat ear is pink on the inside and has no secretions of this type. If adequate treatment is not started immediately, otitis could degenerate into a bacterial infection, with a change in the color of the secretions. Dermatitis on the neck, cheeks and eye area can also be detected. If clots form due to itching due to the breaking of the capillaries of the ear cartilage, the accumulations of blood must be drained. In addition to otohematomas, the consequences of a thickening of the ear walls and therefore fibrosis and stenosis can occur.

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Other types of cat parasites

Demodex cati can cause mild otitis with abundant ear wax in cats, but more frequently in dogs. It does not usually itch, unlike notoedric mange in cats, caused by the very itchy Notoedres cati mite. It is not a very common type of scabies, but it is very contagious and since it is also transmitted to humans, if we suspect an infestation we must immediately consult with the veterinarian to take the appropriate measures.

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