10 habits you believe are healthy but are not ...

There are many habits that are now part of our daily life and that we are happy to have because we are convinced they are healthy. The truth, however, is that no one has ever confirmed it to us.
Yet these beliefs never die because those who produce certain products help to root them in us.
If you care about your well-being and want to play it safe, start with these!

  1. · 1. Rinse your mouth with water
  2. · 2. Run on the treadmill
  3. · 3. Use disinfectant gels
  4. · 4. Take a nap in the middle of the day
  5. · 5. Repeat basic exams regularly
  6. · 6. Take vitamins
  7. · 7. Prefer diet drinks
  8. · 8. Clean every day
  9. · 9. Drinking too much water
  10. · 10. Wear flat shoes

1. Rinse your mouth with water

What seems to us to be the most natural action in the world is actually not good for our dental health. Rinsing the mouth with water after brushing the teeth removes the protective layer of fluoride that was deposited there. The ideal behavior would therefore be to rinse them with a suitable solution.

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2. Run on the treadmill

Have you just bought a treadmill to train at home? Know that it is not enough to keep the shape, indeed, in the long run it can be harmful to your joints. To avoid this, it is important to alternate running with exercises to strengthen the muscles, which can also be done comfortably at home.

3. Use disinfectant gels

Regularly using antiseptic and antibacterial gels can have the opposite effect in the long run, leading to the formation of new, even stronger germs. So do as your mother has always told you: when you return home, before eating, after having played with the dog ... wash your hands (carefully)!

4. Take a mid-day nap

Many believe that a nap is a real cure-all to regain the energy needed to carry out daily tasks. But are we really sure that the mind wakes up fresher? Often when we wake up we feel groggy and this is because sleeping too much can cause brain problems, especially memory.
Also, sleeping during the day can affect our sleep-wake rhythm and cause us a bad night's sleep.

5. Repeat basic exams regularly

Repeating the same exams every year often turns out to be completely useless, as well as being expensive! It is not necessary to be hypochondriac but to focus on what we know to be our Achilles heels or on the checks that should be done based on our age or the historical period in which we live.

6. Take vitamins

Change of season? Immediately to the pharmacy to stock up on vitamins! But are they really that critical to our survival? Not if we follow a health. Furthermore, contrary to what we are led to believe, vitamins cannot be taken in large quantities to remedy bad habits such as smoking since, in this case, they can even accelerate the development of serious diseases.

7. Prefer diet drinks

By now all the most popular drinks have a light version which, despite having the same taste as the original, would not add to the extra kilos. There is very little of the truth; sugars are replaced with sweeteners that are equally harmful to our health, which can cause us heart problems, premature aging, diabetes and not even benefit our silhouette.

8. Clean every day

Keeping the house clean is very important for our health. But even in this case it must not become an obsession. Being in contact with detergents and breathing the chemicals we use to clean every day can cause respiratory problems, skin and eye irritation and headaches.

9. Drinking too much water

We know how important it is to hydrate ourselves to purify our body of waste and toxins and awaken the metabolism, but this does not mean that we should overdo it. Drinking compulsively, exceeding 2 liters of water per day, can be harmful to our health, with more or less serious consequences such as: excessive sweating, insomnia, cardiovascular disease.

10. Wear flat shoes

Do you blame your colleague for wearing high heels every day? Not even those that are too low are so safe for the health of our feet and back. The ballet flats or sneakers you go to work with and the flip-flops you wear at home can, in fact, cause inflammation, blisters, swelling and even mycosis. Then choose ballet flats with internal wedges and, every now and then, clean your sneakers !

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