25th week of pregnancy for mother and baby - 6th month of pregnancy

The twenty-fifth week of pregnancy suggests that you have entered the sixth month of gestation: soon the time of delivery and the long-awaited meeting with your baby will arrive. way of seeing it with the ultrasound. But what else do you need to know for the expectant mother? Before reading further, here is a video with the things not to do during pregnancy.

25th week of pregnancy: symptoms

We have collected the typical symptoms of the 25th week of pregnancy. Here they are below.

  • pain in the round ligament of the uterus
  • constipation
  • bloating and flatulence
  • acid reflux, indigestion and heartburn
  • fluid retention
  • leg cramps
  • nervous hunger
  • shortness of breath
  • stretch marks on the stomach, thighs and breasts
  • mood swings and depression
  • pelvic pain
  • articolar pains
  • contractions of Braxton Hicks
  • itching on the stomach, back and nipples
  • increased vaginal secretions

See also

24th week of pregnancy for mother and baby - 6th month of pregnancy

23rd week of pregnancy for mother and baby - 6th month of pregnancy

19th week of pregnancy for mother and baby - 5th month of pregnancy

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25th week of pregnancy: changes in the body of the expectant mother

In the sixth month of pregnancy, it is normal for the uterus to push towards other organs, such as the lungs and intestines, this is because it is enlarging and can cause pain and discomfort.
It also increases fluid retention and blood volume, which can cause carpal tunnel syndrome with tingling fingers and palms.
Your body is preparing to breastfeed, which is why you may observe a yellowish liquid coming out of the nipples: it is colostrum, a fluid that anticipates breast milk.
Your overall weight gain in these weeks should go as follows:

  • 10 to 15 kilos for a normal pregnancy;
  • from 15 to 20 kilos in the case of twin pregnancy;
  • about 5-10 kilos in the case of overweight pregnancy.

Towards the end of your pregnancy, you may start having problems with insomnia. Often, they are due to the fact that you feel uncomfortable, to any back pain, or to the fact that you are hot ... If these symptoms bother you, you can ask your doctor to prescribe a treatment that helps you sleep, but is harmless. for the baby. But before you get to drugs, try other solutions. In the evening, eat lightly, sleep in a cool and sufficiently ventilated room, change bed, sleep alone (your partner will understand you, don't worry!). Before going to bed, try drinking a relaxing herbal tea. If possible, allow yourself moments of rest during the day.

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Have you already chosen the name for your baby? If you run out of ideas, get inspired by our list of names for all tastes!

The growth and development of the baby at the 25th week of pregnancy

The fetus is now about the size of a courgette, measuring about 34 centimeters, and weighing 680 grams.
The baby's skin, initially wrinkled, now begins to be smooth and pink thanks to the development of blood vessels and capillaries.
His movements are getting stronger ... sometimes you have the impression that he is agitated too much! The organs that will regulate his balance (inner ear, cerebellum ...) develop more and more. However, in the liquid environment that it is located in your belly, the fetus does not move as a reaction to your movements ... it lets itself be "carried away" by your movements!
One of the most significant changes in the twenty-fifth week of pregnancy is the opening of the nostrils, which had been plugged up until now. The lungs are ready to breathe and finally inhale oxygen while also developing the chemical surfactant that helps the lungs expand.
The intestine is almost completely formed: the meconium which is formed in the large intestine, produced by the first intestinal movements of the fetus, it will be expelled immediately after birth.
The brain continues to grow and develop parallel to the 5 senses: sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste now allow the child to respond to stimuli such as sounds, tastes, lights, etc ...

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Problems and complications: when is it best to call the doctor

Some minor problems or complications can arise as early as the first trimester of pregnancy, although they are more frequent towards the end. In any case, the advice we feel to give you is not to panic, stay calm and enjoy the long and beautiful journey of pregnancy. Here are some specific cases in which it would be better to ask the doctor for advice, reporting what has been observed.

  • If you notice a decrease in the baby's movements;
  • if you have severe nausea and vomiting and diarrhea for more than 24 hours;
  • if you have intense itching in your hands and feet (this could be cholestasis of pregnancy);
  • if you experience sudden swelling of the face, hands or feet, along with headache, lightheadedness and extreme fatigue;
  • if you notice vaginal bleeding with abdominal cramps, pain in the lower back, a feeling of pressure in the pelvic area, uterine contractions, diarrhea and discharge of clear fluid (this could be premature birth);
  • if you observe, instead, a light bleeding, pelvic pressure together with back pain, it could be the opening of the cervix;
  • pain or burning when you pee, thick yellow, green or white vaginal discharge, with pain in the lower back (could be candida or kidney infection);
  • if you have excessive thirst, intense nausea and sudden loss of vision (this could be gestational diabetes).

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Our advice

Beauty of skin and hair

During pregnancy, due to hormones, your body changes a lot and it is necessary to adopt new beauty habits. Your skin becomes drier, more sensitive, intolerant to products that up to now you have tolerated well.

What to do to take care of your skin?
Use gentle products, which respect the hydrolipidic film of the skin, moisturize it morning and evening with a suitable cream, and apply a moisturizing mask once or twice a week. Nutrition is also important for the health of your skin. Drink plenty of water throughout the day and eat in a balanced way (fruit and vegetables for vitamins A and C, cereals for vitamins B6).

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During pregnancy, there are hormones in the body that prevent hair loss. More shine, more volume ... maybe your hair has never been as beautiful as it was during these nine months!
However, after giving birth, the hormone rate drops; in this phase of recovery, the hair can fall out in strands ... Don't worry: the hair loss will stop on its own.

Good to know
During pregnancy, hairiness can increase, especially in the center of the abdomen; this unsightly hair will disappear after delivery.

See also: The problems of pregnancy: daily difficulties of a pregnant woman according to Line Severinsen

© Instagram Line Severinsen The problems of pregnancy according to Line Severinsen

Useful information not to be forgotten

  • Enroll in the childbirth preparation course
  • If you are not married, it is time to think about recognizing the baby before birth.
  • Fourth obligatory prenatal gynecological examination.
  • Beginning of childbirth preparation courses

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