May 21 zodiac sign: those born between Taurus and Gemini, leader of the zodiac

Those born on May 1 belong to the zodiac sign of Taurus: in reality, however, it is the cusp between the zodiac sign of Taurus and those born under the sign of Gemini. Therefore, those born on May 21 have the characteristics of both signs in them! Watch our video and find out which is the most suitable stress reliever according to the horoscope for your zodiac sign ... and if you were born on May 21 ... get two!

May 21 astrological sign: under the sign of Gemini

The horoscope from the Latin hōroscopus, derives from the Greek ὡροσκόπος composed of ὥρα and σκοπέω, observe the hour. The zodiac sign depends on where the Sun is, when an individual is born, while the ascendant is the zodiac sign that rises to the east at that same time. The ascendant influences the way we appear, it refers to how we manifest ourselves to others and how we behave on certain occasions. The zodiac signs of Western astrology are twelve: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. L "Aries: fire sign, cardinal, from March 21 to April 20 ; Taurus: sign of the Earth, fixed, from 21 April to 20 May; Gemini: sign of Air, mobile from 21 May to 21 June; Cancer: sign of Water, cardinal, from 22 June to 22 July; Leo: sign of Fire, fixed, from 23 July to 23 August; Virgo : sign of Earth, mobile, from 24 August to 22 September; Libra: sign of Air, cardinal, from 23 September to 22 October, Scorpio: sign of Water, fixed, from 23 October to 22 November; Sagittarius, sign of Fire, mobile, from 23 November to 21 December; Capricorn, sign of Earth, cardinal from 22 December to 20 January; l "Aquarius, fixed sign of Air, from 21 January to 19 / February; Pisces: sign of Water, mobile, from February 20 to March 20. Obviously the zodiac sign, ascendant and dominant planets in the sign of belonging give a complete picture of the personality of each subject, but the qualities, inclinations, gifts and defects and many other peculiarities can also be inferred from the day of birth. To analyze the personality of those born on May 21, we start from the characteristics of the zodiac sign they belong to, namely Gemini, which in Astrology is a sign of Air, mobile, influenced by the planet Mercury and opposite to the sign of Sagittarius. Its stones are the "Agate, Topaz, Citrine Quartz; its flowers Carnation, Rosemary and Lavender, its color Yellow. The parts of the human organism connected to it are nose and throat and nervous system. If this is your zodiac sign, you have a lively intelligence and a brilliant intuition, you are very dynamic. lasting, for your desire for novelty and for your desire to live other experiences, even more adventurous. Some Gemini remain very young at an inner level forever, but "being a double sign can lead them in some cases to the easy lie and to the" ambiguity. They are intelligent par excellence, they love to party in company; at work they examine every detail, make plans and always find excellent solutions, even if they have a thousand interests and face multiple problems together. They are often leaders in the professional field thanks to their intuitive skills and reflective.

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May 21 zodiac sign: Taurus-Gemini cusp.

Those born in the cusp acquire the characteristics of both signs. If they are closer to Taurus they are more affected by it and so for Gemini, also as regards compatibility with other signs. Taurus is a fixed sign under the influence of Venus, in full spring; Gemini is a mobile sign of late spring under the dominion of Mercury. In this explosive mixture the sense of rebirth dominates, symbolized by this splendid season, which gives to these natives a sunny and full of vitality character Venus, which invites earthly pleasure, resides in Taurus and Mercury, symbol of intelligence, in Gemini. They come together and their union Earth and Air stimulates light and pleasant relationships, but also inner conflicts, when trying to create more stable relationships. Theirs is a dynamic vivacity that can then lead to insecurity. However, these natives, if they manage to find the right balance, show determination, personality and awareness of their abilities. From Taurus they take their aesthetic charm, from Gemini that of the mind They are excellent mediators, they show availability and kindness of mind, they have a clear mind and an unbeatable memory. Sometimes they are tempted to choose a steady partner for convenience, attracted by economic well-being rather than a romantic feeling. They are super in the professional field for the optimal blend of Taurus practical sense and rational Gemini intelligence.

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May 21 zodiac sign: the day of your birth

According to Western astrology, those born on May 21 belong to the first decade of Gemini, which runs from May 21 to May 31. Those born on May 21 regardless of the year in the cusp between Taurus and Gemini are fearless, sure of self, determined to conquer what she desires; he poses optimistically in front of the companies to be faced, he has a sense of duty, as well as having talent and creativity, and therefore no results to be achieved frightens her. Those born on this day are dreamers, but they work with energy and perseverance to make their dreams come true, they struggle with all their physical and mental energies and are happy to do so. They learn very quickly and this at school age could bore them if the study imparted is notional and repetitive: they often cannot have easy relationships with peers because of their brilliant mind. After the age of thirty they acquire great self-confidence, becoming even less fragile from an emotional point of view. They are bold and capable, sometimes a little selfish, too busy to dedicate themselves body and soul to the love relationship, even if with time. . they reveal themselves to be generous and happy lovers of life as a couple. If this is your day and month of birth, you need to take care of not only the aesthetic aspect of your body, but above all your health, with a "diet and" regular physical activity, sleep several hours a night and not. get stressed out with whirlwind rhythms of life. You have to take breaks from work and go on vacation at least once a year. Useful therapies for the psyche and the body such as yoga, tai chi, meditation, aromatherapy massages with geranium oil, bring you balance, do you a lot of good. If this is your day of birth you can become an excellent inventor or a worker engaged in humanitarian or social reform works. Your creative talent can push you to artistic careers, especially related to writing and journalism. According to Western Astrology, those born on May 21 are on the so-called cusp of "energy" between Taurus and Gemini, dominated by Venus and Mercury. Venus dominates Taurus, Mercury the Gemini. Venus infuses you with romance and sensuality. Mercury gives you the willpower to make a career in work, stimulates your ambition, your decision-making and your optimism. You have a lot of energy, but you need to protect yourself from shoulder and respiratory problems.

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May 21 zodiac sign: how important is the day you are born!

The horoscope consists in the study of the position of the stars in the date, place and time of the coming into the world of an individual, from which his destiny is then drawn. The most common horoscope is based on the birth chart, although it is now also called the prediction of daily or monthly events based on the influence of the planets on the various zodiac signs. If you were born on May 21, your astral picture says that you are a lover who does not desist, if he does not conquer the loved one, using every possible weapon, also because you are aware of your charm and the attraction you emanate. This often leads you to not consolidate romantic relationships, however. Give and ask for freedom from your loved one. You are very attracted to bright, creative partners who amaze you, for example a Libra, an Aquarius, a Sagittarius, especially if they were born on day 5, 6, 18, 21, 24 and 30. You are not compatible with who is born under the sign of Taurus: your union would be too stormy. Since your birthday is May 21, according to the stars, you are a good-hearted and capable person, you adapt to any situation, but sometimes you tend to give up if you don't reach your goals right away. You focus on too many programs, and if you overwork yourself, you risk not achieving maximum results. You know how to manage your finances well. Thanks to Mercury the creativity in you reaches maximum levels, joining the taste of adventure. From Taurus you receive practical sense and solidity, from Gemini inspiration, resourcefulness, spirit of adventure and communication skills. You have the art of persuading others, so you would be successful in public relations and commercial activities. Those born on May 21st should often wear orange-colored clothes and jewelry, as it is the tint of expansiveness, sunshine and success and is perfectly suited to an optimistic, self-confident personality, well projected towards others and towards the future.

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