18 tips to take control of your life and say goodbye to stress

1. Do you know the dirty dozen?

Not washing fruit and vegetables is a real crime and rinsing them is not enough. Buying organic foods might be the perfect solution, but it's a really expensive choice. Our advice? Make the right choices.

Choose organic for those vegetables where you can also eat the peel, such as apples and tomatoes. These foods, along with ten other foods, such as strawberries, celery, peaches, spinach, peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, snow peas and potatoes, are part of the 'dirty dozen', that is, the twelve products with the highest content of pesticide residues.

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2. Use herbicides wisely

Many people love gardening and cultivating a small vegetable garden at home, but be careful not to get carried away by herbicides. Nobody likes to see infested herbs and plants, but it is important to know that the chemicals used to eliminate them are real killers for the human body.

Yes, it sounds extreme, but it's true, so opt for natural herbicides. Don't forget Composting is a great way to fertilize your garden.

3. Take advantage of the fresh produce you can find at the market

The food you buy at the grocery store is full of pesticides and other threats, so if you don't wash them well, they can be downright toxic.

One solution would be to buy fresh produce at the municipal market. Fruits and vegetables are fresher, less chemically treated and cheaper! There's no reason not to, is there?

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4. Set a budget

Cleaning up your life isn't just about body and mind! Create a functional budget and work towards achieving your financial goals. There is no need to spend all the money you earn, nor to save every single penny. Work towards a goal, you will feel much better about yourself and your life!

5. Stop spending money on useless things

With all the effort you make every day, it is your right to enjoy up to the last cent earned. But sometimes our lives, and our homes, are filled with useless things that we compulsively buy.

Be wise and think carefully before buying any item.

6. Clean up friendships (eliminate those who don't pay attention to you)

Spending time with people who put you down and don't make you feel good about yourself is as toxic to our mind as chemicals are to our body.

Surround yourself with people who can inspire, motivate, support, encourage and love you for who you are. They are the same people you see with you looking at your future. Make a conscious choice to spend more time with these people and less with those who don't want you.

Choose who deserves your time.

7.Make your own cleaning products

Most of the products we buy in stores are full of chemicals, so why not make our own household cleaning products yourself?

On the net there are numerous recipes to create do-it-yourself detergents, or just follow the old advice of our grandmothers.

See HERE some useful recipes to make your own DIY cleaners.

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8. Never wear shoes indoors

In many Asian countries, taking off your shoes before entering the home is a common practice.

This will allow you not to carry around trampled dirt and keep the house clean for a long time. In addition, this will help reduce any bad odors and preserve the quality of the floors.

We learn from the Japanese, one of the cleanest peoples in the world.

9. Limit social media

Every time we consult Facebook, Twitter or Instagram we steal hours and hours from our social life. Try to create strong and true relationships and not virtual ones.

Try limiting the use of social media to just one hour a day, you will see your mood will surprise you.

10. Recycle

Recycling does not only mean helping to preserve natural resources and save energy, but it also helps to reduce the amount of toxins in the home, as well as making you feel really useful towards the environment.

11. Organize

Nothing is more unsettling than a messy house. Start putting things away and giving it adequate space. An organized home will put you at ease and in general make you feel happier.

© Tumblr 12. Drink herbal tea

Drinking plenty of water and tea will help cleanse your body and eliminate harmful toxins, for example dandelion tea is great for a thorough cleansing.

Or drink a cup of green tea with every meal, it will help minimize bacteria reducing the risk of disease, but also fight tooth decay and bad breath.

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13. Organize your home

The disorder and confusion do nothing but fuel anxiety. The more objects we have scattered around the house, the harder it will be to find what we are looking for. So, if you are surrounded by unnecessary objects, now is the time to give your home a serious clean up.

Throw away or give to charity anything you haven't worn, used or seen in the last 6 months. By making room in your home you will also make room in your mind.

14. Buy some houseplants

Not much talk about it, but houseplants actually bring numerous health benefits. They will help you purify the air you breathe, thus improving your health. Buy a couple and make sure you water them regularly.

15. Think positive

Overcoming negative thoughts and starting to think positive can be harder than we think. Negative experiences and grievances can take root in us and change our attitudes. The mind can have a much bigger influence than we think, so we need to make sure we take control of it.

Write down your thoughts every day and replace the negative ones with the positive ones. Repeat this exercise daily, over time you will be able to permanently remove negative thoughts.

16. Get more sleep

Don't skimp on sleep! We often deprive ourselves of several hours each night, but without adequate rest our body cannot function properly. Get at least 8 hours of sleep a day and make this rest one of your priorities.

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17. Use natural products for your skincare

Change your beauty arsenal to organic and natural products. Untreated ingredients are a source of nutrients for skin and hair. The highly formulated natural products are capable of delivering visible results in a safe and long-term way.

To find out how to nourish your hair with a natural mask look HERE.

18. Spend more time with the people you love

Spending time with the people you love will help you feel better. Visit a friend or organize family time once a week, sincere love is the best way to take the stress out!

Tags:  Properly In Shape Women-Of-Today