10 things that those who love puppies more than children can understand and share

If a family with a twin stroller walks into a bar, do you feel a slight annoyance and the first thought you make is: "Let's hope they don't start screaming, crying and throwing a tantrum"?

If a couple with a puppy enters the same bar in no time at all, do you catapult at the animal's feet to cuddle and kiss it?

In short, if you too prefer that of a tender and furry dog ​​(or kitten) to the company of children, you will surely share these considerations.

1 - Lullaby, lullaby oh

You are more comfortable with a puppy in your arms than with a baby to rock and put to sleep.

See also

How to tell if someone is lying in chat

How to tell if your dog has a fever: what are the symptoms and how to measure the temperature

Going to live alone: ​​all the things you need to know

© Universal Pictures

2 - Baby or Dog sitting?

When your sister asks you to look after your granddaughter for a few hours you make up the most imaginative excuses to avoid, to take care of her puppy instead you would be willing to pay!

3 - Herod style

Your friends occasionally try to make you change your mind and enthusiastically show you photos of their children. Your reaction? This...

4 - Foolish prohibitions

You don't understand why certain places are forbidden for dogs - beaches, churches, restaurants, etc. - but not for children!

© meteoweb.eu

5 - Dog and Cat webstar

You are bored with photos of children posted everywhere: on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest ... but you are an avid follower of at least 20 cat and dog profiles and regularly check their new posts (and maybe even send them virtual wishes when they do. years). Well, what's wrong with that?

© Instagram user marniethedog

6 - Congratulations & pampering

Do not hesitate to approach a stranger to compliment and cuddle his lovely puppy, but if it is a child, you do not even know the idea.

7 - Congratulations & cuddles 2 part

However, if the stranger in question, in addition to having a puppy, also has a baby, you have to force yourself, put on the mask and make the best of a bad situation by addressing at least a compliment to the "man's puppy".

© Instagram user lizzie.lowden

8 - Grow

You would never want to see your puppy grow up, while you can't wait for every child to become a man or at least stop crying and screaming!

9 - Cat fight

It has happened to you more than once to defend - and not be understood - your preference for puppies and to end up turning up a bit.


10 - Nice, interesting, funny, but ...

You are quite annoyed because in this article you have found not only pictures of puppies, but also some inevitable photos of children ...

See also:
Dog Love: 17 things you should never say to a dog lover
9 clues to know if your dog is a real four-legged prince
8 reasons why it would be great to be a dog!