10 books that cannot be missing in a woman's library

Whether you are concrete women or perennial dreamers, you will love to let yourself be involved in the adventures experienced by protagonists of every age, era and character. Each of these stories holds a teaching or a point of view that, inevitably, you will make yours and that will help you reflect on yourself, your choices and your surroundings.
Speaking of brave women, here is one who would like to give you some advice ...

Here, then, which books to look for in your favorite bookstores!

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Elective affinities - J.W. Goethe

Let's start with a great classic. A dramatic novel that unfolds between loves, betrayals and adverse events that see not one woman as the protagonist but two, and the men who are, and will be, next to him. Of all the characters, the one you will feel the most is the "hypersensitive Ottilie, struggling with Eduard, a grown up Werther. A reading that investigates the various aspects of the human personality and the motives, including chemical ones, of attraction, of" falling in love and of " love.

Farther than the moon - Paola Mastrocola

A book aimed at women who love to live, at least for a while, with their heads in the clouds cannot be missing. from the more or less fortuitous and important encounters that life reserves.

The elegance of the hedgehog - Muriel Barbery

In this reading the protagonists are two, a concierge with a "deceptive appearance and a" teenager intolerant of a hypocritical family that does not understand. A novel full of references to the great classics of philosophical literature as well as references to life and modern society, on which it is impossible not to dwell. A book that opens your eyes wide to the reality in which we live and from which to find the courage to affirm one's being and one's uniqueness.

Silk - Alessandro Baricco

A book crossed, page after page, by an "incredible erotic tension that leaves much more shaken than other more explicit and easy readings of the kind do. But it is not only this that makes it interesting. In the course, if not at the end, of the book you will understand why we recommended a reading with a male protagonist. And if a reading were not enough for you or if you were also a movie lover, the fascinating film by François Girard is based on the book.

The Beatrici - Stefano Benni

8 women and as many stories told through their voice. A "polyphonic work that develops in 8 monologues, to the point of composing a score between story and theater. Protagonists of all ages and inclinations with a completely different modus vivendi: the successful woman, the bipolar nun, the insensitive adolescent and so on." away ... From them we will hear about every aspect of life, between ravings, judgments and rants. A book to own for the variety of points of view it presents and the uniqueness of its construction.

Fear of flying - Erica Jong

We finally present the female protagonist who paved the way for the most popular "cheeky" girls in recent years, from Carrie di Sex and the City to "Anastasia di Fifty Shades of Gray. Erica Jong was the first to speak explicitly about the ways of experiencing sex, through the character of Isadora, causing scandal in the American society of the 1970s.

Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen

200 years after her death, we cannot leave out Jane Austen, a symbol of literature's openness to the purest female sentiments, of which no woman had previously dared to speak so sincerely. This novel, which remains the author's best known, also thanks to numerous television and film adaptations, it has a brilliant, ironic and irreverent female protagonist, with enviable intelligence and tenacity.

Just Kids - Patti Smith

A reading for the most transgressive, lovers of 70s rock and the environment in which the rock stars of the time grew up.A book written by a woman and an "artist of exception", a lover of literature even before music, able to tell us about her experience, made up of luminous peaks as well as deep abysses, and "teach us something about the years of the revolution, the risk , sincere friendship and life.

I'm not that kind of girl - Lena Dunham

Definitely a current book, made up of stories and characters in which you cannot help but recognize yourself. If you haven't seen it yet Girls, the TV series to which it is inspired, you will have fun discovering the adventures between love, sex and friendship and the infinite paranoia that the protagonists of the book share with the vast majority of young people today. A provocative and irreverent reading that will leave you with a smile and many precious truths!

Thirteen - Jay Asher

Last, and very current, proposal is Thirteen, which you have probably already heard of thanks to Netflix, which made it a very popular TV series. The pages of the book, like the episodes of the series (thanks to precise choices of editing and photography), follow the dark and distorted logic of a very young girl struggling with a more complicated "adolescence than usual. Book and film, despite the differences, make perfectly the drama experienced by this young woman; a drama that not all the most fragile girls are able to face and from which they should be protected.