Yoga for weight loss: 5 top exercises!

There is no doubt: among the many benefits of Yoga there is also that of making us lose weight! Obviously only if it is practiced consistently and correctly, accompanied by a balanced diet.

It is not a sport suitable for losing weight quickly, but to work on our body to strengthen it, strengthen it and reach a state of balance and psycho-physical well-being such as to allow weight loss and maintenance of a healthy weight.

Let's find out together 5 top exercises suitable for losing weight with Yoga!

1. The position of the Warrior

To achieve the Warrior position, as you can see on the video, you have to open your legs beyond your shoulders, bringing one back and one forward. At that point, rotate the rear foot 90 degrees outward and bend the knee of the front leg.

Then bring your arms up and open them sideways, keeping the abdominals contracted and opening the chest, also through breathing. Keep the other leg extended and steady. Stay in position for 30 ”.

See also

Yoga positions in two: 5 exercises to fall in love more

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2. The Lotus Position

Sit on a mat with your legs crossed and stretch your spine up, keeping your abs tight. Breathe slowly. Then cross your hands over your head, palm to palm.

This position should be maintained for a few minutes. Among the best known of Yoga, the lotus position will help you relax and tone especially the abdominal band and arm muscles.

3. The position of the boat

Begin by sitting down, placing your palms next to your hips. Bend your knees and bring your feet to the same distance as your hips. Using your hands, grab your knees and lift your feet off the ground. Bring your shins parallel to the floor. Bring your thighs close to your chest and lift your chest, keeping your balance on your buttocks. Do not arch your back. Extend your arms forward, parallel to the floor and make gentle up and down movements with your arms. Look ahead and repeat for 40 ”.

This position will work your abs a lot to get you a flat stomach!

4. The position of the Camel

To perform the Camel pose, sit on your heels with your back straight and your hands on your knees. Stand on your knees and grab your right heel with your right hand. Repeat with the left. Stretch your back, lift your chest and tilt your head back, chin up.

Breathe deeply for a few minutes, then relax your muscles.

5. The position of the Cobra

Lie on your stomach, with your legs closed and feet parallel, your arms extended along your body. Rest your forehead on the mat and bring your palms to shoulder height, bending your elbows close to your torso. Inhale deeply. As you exhale, lift your torso bringing your chin up, fully extending your arms. Open your chest to the ceiling, inhale.

The position should be maintained for at least five long breaths, then return to the starting position and repeat the exercise again.

And here are other Yoga positions for you, all to try:

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