Are you prone to back pain and joint pain? Here are the sports that are best for you and the ones to avoid

Yes, sport is good, we know, but be careful what you choose, especially if you suffer from physical ailments, such as back pain. In this case you should proceed with caution in your choice, to ensure that you do not do further damage.

Not all disciplines are in fact very suitable for back pain, indeed, some are rather not recommended. The ideal would be to choose sports that relax the muscles without causing stress to the spine, avoiding the most violent ones that could expose you to sudden strokes and movements. For example, if you love swimming or yoga, you can rest assured: it is of activities that stretch the muscles and promote relaxation, while tennis, running or volleyball are another thing, so better to avoid them if back pain often visits you.

To make your choice easier, we have decided to give you some tips on the most suitable disciplines for those who usually suffer from back pain and on those from which it would be better to stay away.

Before proceeding with the reading of the article, if you also suffer from cervical problems, we recommend some daily exercises to put into practice to relieve the discomfort!

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The perfect sports for back pain

Green light to yoga, swimming, aquagym, tai chi and pilates: they are all good for your back!

Undisputed winner is Yoga: it relaxes the spine, removes stress and promotes the flow of blood to the muscles. Also good for the "cousins" of this discipline, pilates and tai chi, which contribute to muscle relaxation aimed especially in the lumbar area .

Another main discipline is swimming, with annexes and connections. In fact, in water, the load on the column is considerably reduced, and the movements are lighter and more delicate; swimming on the back is perfect, which does not tire the back, while freestyle is banned for those with an accentuation of the dorsal curve. Aquagym is also good, which strengthens the muscles without subjecting the back to excessive strain.

Even walking, with the right shoes and on flat and uneven ground, is a great way to prevent back pain and strengthen the muscles, without damaging the lower back. Exercises in the gym are also good, as long as they are developed by a trainer who knows how to accurately show you how to perform them.

Sports off limits

And now a few sore points: the sports that would be better to keep away if you are a regular with back pain.

Forget the disciplines that subject the spine to jerks, sudden movements and sudden twists: they are definitely not ideal for those who are sensitive in the lumbar area. Translated in a few words: tennis, racing bicycle, jogging and all disciplines are banned. more demanding that could cause microtrauma to the back, including squash, downhill skiing, basketball and volleyball. so say goodbye to your favorite sport, just take a break.

Particular speech for fencing: an aid for those with postural problems, it is contraindicated in case of herniated disc or inflammation of the nerve bundles. Better to avoid it even if you usually suffer from cervical.

In any case, if your relationship with sport is completely hindered by joint or muscle pains that insist on not passing, it would be better to try to solve the problem first: an effective method can be thermotherapy, which exploits the use of Therapeutic Heat and Medication-Free Pain Relief This has a number of methods to choose from, as you can see specifically here.

For more information on sports suitable for back pain sufferers, visit Dr. Gibaud's website.

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