Erotic dream: what is its interpretation?

The world of dreams has always been considered a very fascinating world. Only at the beginning of the twentieth century, however, with Freud and his school, did we begin to seriously study dream images and the meaning behind them. One of the most recurrent dreams is certainly the erotic one. In the night, in fact, the dreamer can be shown by his unconscious his deepest impulses, repressed during everyday life.

Dreams of sex or love at dawn

Sleep is broken down into cycles of approximately 90 minutes, each with a slow and REM sleep phase. It is during this last phase that dreams appear.
Erotic daydreams are an integral part of our intimacy, from a very young age and especially during adolescence. Puberty, which favors the worst dreams, is also closely linked to the first loving emotions. It is, then, a process. learning about sexuality that will continue throughout adulthood.

See also

Money slave: no sex and lots of gifts for his mistress

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Where do these erotic dreams come from?

Regarding the origin of erotic dreams, psychoanalysts agree: erotic dreams do not happen by chance and would be the result of desires lived during the day.
For example, if a man has had a certain effect on you during the day, it is possible that you may dream of having a relationship with him during the night.

What are these erotic dreams for?

Making love in a dream shows that the dreamer's imagination is stimulated or, as Freud analyzed it, that he is able to form a desired scenario or to satisfy unconscious impulses. A real object of liberation, the erotic dream allows thus to the individual to satisfy the sexual needs that are often repressed and therefore to fulfill them in the best possible way compared to what happens in everyday life.

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Away from moral pressures, the dreamer can then unfold his libidinal energy and express all his sexual desires, even the most bizarre. Unlike what moral duty imposes on us, with all the values ​​that derive from it, in dreams there are no longer any taboos or restrictions: you can imagine having a relationship with a person already committed or in the strangest situations.

Better still, dreams of sex and love can detect certain blocks and even release them. For example, a young woman who is unlikely to climax when having sex, but who constantly dreams of having sexual intercourse with multiple orgasms, may become aware of her discomfort and decide to consult a specialist to overcome her problem.

Should we be afraid of it?

Of course not!
These dreams are not a sign of difficulty but, on the contrary, of good mental health. Your dreams, if they are the translation of repressed carnal or sexual desires for which you are not responsible, should not be confused with reality. There is therefore no need to feel guilty and to imagine that you are suffering from some form of perversion.

How to interpret erotic dreams?

It can be a real benefit to question the meaning of erotic dreams to improve daily life, especially love and one's sexuality.
First, psychoanalysts consider that erotic dreams take two forms: one involving a sexual act with penetration, which can therefore mean a lack in reality, with a libido that is not fully realized; and one that remains carnal (kisses, caresses), which simply means the search for general well-being.
For both women and men there are some universal symbols.

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  • In the case of romantic encounters, the scenarios are quite similar from one person to another. Then there are the experiences of each person, his or her situation as a couple and his relationship with society more generally. It is therefore these additional details that allow a "precise interpretation and can make a difference. Other symbols are universal, such as fire, earth, water, day, night, trains ...
    In terms of analysis, dreams involving a love match do not reflect on which person the dreamer would like to have a relationship, but rather a hidden side of himself. For example, a person who dreams of his new boss with a strong character. and an "eventful existence does not necessarily refer to a desire for him, but to what he would like to be and to his life, which perhaps seems too monotonous for her tastes.

  • Regarding objects or places: If a person dreams of having sex on the train with their partner, it can mean that their relationship is on the right path. If the train derails, the couple could be in danger.
    Or if you dream of making love by the fire, it can mean that your relationship is passionate and fulfilling, not at all passive and boring. Your libido is full of energy.
    Hot sex on the water, for example on a boat, means that there is perfect sexual harmony with your partner.
    Another aspect to take into consideration is how you have hair in your dream. If you dream that you are having a sexual relationship in which your hair is always tied up, it can mean that your sexuality scares you. If, on the other hand, your hair is loose, then it goes hand in hand with your sexuality, that is, without any restraints!

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  • Making love in the presence of animals: Cats are symbols of tenderness, sweetness, but also of passion and independence when they pull out their claws. Like what you want to feel with your man if you start a relationship.
    Dogs, on the other hand, talk about your relationship with the couple. If a dog wags its tail and looks happy, it goes hand in hand with the fidelity that reigns in the relationship. On the other hand, if a dog shows its teeth, it means that a betrayal is floating in the air ...

  • And finally, nudity, in a situation where you have to be clothed, rather means that you have a certain desire for exhibitionism or want to further liberate your sexuality.

In any case, an erotic dream is quite natural and necessary for the psychic development of each person. It also represents all the strength of the libido and the desire to enjoy the pleasures of life. Of course, if certain erotic dreams take on too disturbing forms or disturb thoughts during the day, it is best to speak to a therapist to understand them better.

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