Seventh month of pregnancy: when does it start and what happens?

The seventh month of pregnancy is the one in which you begin to say: we are almost there! Another couple of months and you will finally be able to meet your baby, and hold him in your arms. During the seventh month, particular attention must be paid to premature birth, because often many babies are born already shortly after the 26th week. But when exactly does the seventh month begin, and what happens during this time?

Before proceeding, here are some little tips to pamper your "little one" while he is still in the belly.

The weeks of pregnancy and what happens

The seventh month of pregnancy officially begins at 26 weeks and 3 days and ends at 30 weeks + 4 days. Subsequently, we enter the eighth month. It is important, during this period, to keep blood values ​​under control, doing a complete blood count and a urinalysis. It is not yet time, among the tests to be done, to perform the third and last ultrasound, the one that tests fetal well-being, which will be done between the 30th and 34th week, ie during the eighth month.

See also

Eighth month of pregnancy: when does it start and what to expect?

Nausea in pregnancy: when it starts, when it ends and the remedies to fight it!

Fifth month of pregnancy: what happens in these weeks?

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The development of the fetus month by month

In this extraordinary video, you can see the development of the fetus in just one minute, from the moment of conception to that of delivery. Find out how cells divide in the beginning, and then give birth to the fetus, which will develop over the course of nine months, from the limbs to the internal organs, to sex. It's the miracle of life!

The development of the fetus during the seventh month

The growth of the fetus during the weeks of the seventh month is quite decisive and crucial. Around the 28th week the baby reaches a length of 38 cm and weighs around 900 grams, to reach 1500 at the end of the seventh month.
As for the formation of the body, the eyelids separate and the bronchi develop. At the cerebral level, the cerebral cortex begins to form and the myelination of neurons intensifies. In fact, in order to function and transmit impulses correctly, the nerve fibers need to be covered with a substance rich in lipids and with a high insulating power: myelin. Myelination will continue for several months even after birth.

The liver, intestines and kidneys work independently and effectively treat the amniotic fluid that the baby swallows continuously. By swallowing the amniotic fluid the baby learns about new flavors, and many studies show that already in the mother's womb the baby prefers sweet ones.
The development of the sexual organs also continues: in boys the testicles descend into the scrotum and in girls the ovarian reserve develops.

The fetus grows rapidly, and thanks to the adipose tissue that forms under the skin, this is less and less wrinkled. The lanugo, that is the fine hair that covers the body of the fetus from the fifth month of gestation, begins to fall. Sometimes it remains on the shoulders and back, but it disappears completely within a few days after birth. Remember in this period to use a good anti-stretch mark cream like that of Bionike: with the baby your belly also grows!

The baby's body is formed, occupies all the space available in the mother's womb and tends to place itself, naturally, in a cephalic position, ready for a natural birth. Sometimes the child "doesn't turn around", he always has time, but still less space to move. In those cases, a breech birth could be expected, in the ninth month. The fetus, during the seventh month, exhibits conditioned reflexes, such as reacting to sounds or massages, kicking or moving. The child becomes sensitive to pain, and to all external stimuli. It's time to start talking to him, let him hear the music, massage him through the belly, and let others, especially the dad, talk to him.

The changes in the mother's body

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The development of the fetus, and weight gain, is felt especially on the bladder. The expectant mother will need to urinate more and more often. The phenomenon will increase when the baby engages his head in the pelvis, that is, turning around to prepare for a cephalic birth, what usually happens. How to avoid the constant "pilgrimage" to the bathroom? When you urinate try to swing slightly: this could move the baby, bringing less pressure on the bladder. Back pain is one of the most frequent phenomena and disorders during the seventh month. Walking helps a lot, and it is always better to avoid incorrect postures. During these weeks the production of colostrum begins, a yellow liquid that could be seen coming out of the nipples: it is produced by the mammary glands during pregnancy and immediately after childbirth. before the appearance of breast milk.
The uterus becomes bigger and bigger and rises towards the diaphragm: this phenomenon accentuates the feeling of heaviness and the expectant mother finds it harder to breathe
Weight gain is significant: on average 400 grams per week. Half goes to the baby, while the other half serves to build up the fat reserve for breastfeeding.

The risks of the seventh month of pregnancy

The main risk during the seventh month is that of a premature birth. Some babies are born as early as the end of the 26th week, and often have a 60 to 70 percent chance of surviving. The risk of a premature birth for the fetus is above all that of the collapse of the lungs, because the babies have not yet developed the surfactants, and of the lack of control of the body temperature. The scarcity of subcutaneous fat, in fact, prevents the temperature from being kept constant, preventing it from dropping too much. Also to avoid this kind of problem, it is important to choose the right hospital, considering all the risks and options.

The preparation course

When you reach the seventh month you also begin to attend the famous pre-baby courses, which are fundamental, not only because they give you valuable information, but also because it allows you to compare yourself with other women in the same conditions. Then there is a question that many ask themselves: how to behave for sex during pregnancy? At this point, it must be said, the belly has definitely risen and having intercourse could be difficult, but it is not advised, even if it must be done with caution.

Here is a must book for new mothers: The great pregnancy book at € 27.20 on Amazon

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