Sixth female sense: listening to yourself is a super power

Do you know that inner voice that comes to visit us when a situation is not clear to us? Or that fateful first impression, whether negative or positive, that we have of a person we have just met and that most of the time turns out to be true?
All this responds to the name of sixth sense and no, it has nothing to do with Zen philosophies or with parapsychology.
The female sixth sense exists and science says so. But above all, through listening to oneself, it is possible to develop it.

Let's find out how, but first here are some exercises to do in the mirror to get in touch with your own I and have more confidence in ourselves:

The female sixth sense according to science

During a 2017 research published by Molecular Psychiatry 90,000 people were shown photos of eyes. The interviewees' task was to guess the mood of the people portrayed, through their gaze.
Regardless of ethnicity, social class and age, women have beaten the male competition, bringing to light an important scientific fact: the female sixth sense exists!

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The signs to recognize

Apparently, this feminine "super power" is inherent within us. It just waits to be identified and then developed.
The sixth sense manifests itself in different ways: we can physically feel it through that famous knot in the stomach, typical in a situation of discomfort or indecision that prevents us from doing something.
Psychologically, the female sixth sense is an inner voice that makes us re-evaluate a perfect choice from all points of view. That feeling of being wrong even though all the reasons seem unobjectionable on paper.
A practical example?
The classic good guy who flirts with us and asks us out but we still can't decide to say yes. Yet there are the prerequisites: he is cute, kind, intelligent, gallant, interesting. The mind agrees but there is no click, no spark that pushes us to accept on the spot.
Some people even manage to have a visual perception of their sixth sense and that they can literally visualize the right choices to make. Whether it is a clear and sudden vision or a rather clear dream, these people can almost look at a parallel reality. Fascinating, true


How to develop the female sixth sense

As we have already said, this special intuition is practically inherent in women so it cannot be learned but it can certainly be developed and sharpened.
Like? First of all by learning to listen to yourself more: grasping the sensations, of any nature and origin, are essential to recognize the signals that our body and our mind send us.
Giving in to a temptation, every now and then, benefits our state of mind. Resting when we are tired is essential not to mention that going out of our usual patterns helps us to open our minds and clearly changes our way of seeing things.
In short, women, we have a super power: let's exploit it!

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