Sex and cystitis: what are the links?

Sex and cystitis are undoubtedly closely linked for at least two reasons. The first is that the pain and burning that the woman may feel during intercourse, when an inflammatory episode is in progress, cause stress and discomfort, sometimes going to deteriorate the quality of the couple's life. The second is that sexual activity itself can be a predisposing factor: the "rubbing" can in fact facilitate the migration of bacteria from the perianal area to the urethra, but also stimulate and inflame the bladder. Symptoms usually appear a few hours after intercourse, and for this reason we speak of post-coital cystitis.

The problem is quite common, but some precautions can still help:

• urinating before and after intercourse

See also

Extreme sex

Oral sex: everything you need to know

Threesomes: tips and tricks on how to manage it

• take care of the intimate hygiene of both partners

• avoid overly "aggressive" relationships

• use vaginal lubricant with hyaluronic acid

Of course, if the problem does not seem to be resolved, it is essential to contact a specialist.

Even in these cases, as with more generic episodes, the abuse of antibiotics in the treatment of the infection is not always the best way, if you want to avoid the risk of bacterial resistance and relapses; better to act directly on the causes of the disorder, preventing the aggression of bacteria thanks to the restoration of the protective layer of the urothelium by means of intravesical therapies with hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulfate.

In collaboration with The Portal of Health

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