Sex after 30? 5 bad habits to avoid

Having sex at 20 and 30 (thankfully) is not the same thing. While it is not very clear how things should go as a beginner and maybe you are willing to sacrifice your fatigued orgasm in order to make the love story of dreams work, at 30, already more sailed, you have better knowledge of your body. , desires, fantasies and rights. But throw the first stone who is without sin, so even at 30 mistakes are made, and since making love is good for body and spirit (watch the video to find out how much), let's find out together what are these fateful errors:

1. Be repetitive

Attention attention! What worse combination can there be of sex and boredom? Do not mortify your relationships, whether stable or occasional, with boredom. This stems from being repetitive, from not wanting to experiment, question, try new and different things. While at the basis of sex there should be a good dose of fantasy that can always make physical intercourse something exciting to do. to sex do you prefer to go shopping, or it gives you the same emotions, something is wrong.

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2. Stop letting go

It may happen that the disappointments accumulated over the years make our relationship with partners, and in general with sex, excessively "repressed". Instead, we should treasure bad experiences to grow, and know how to use the information of the past to better live the present. So being able to fully live your sexuality in any case and regardless of your personal baggage.

3. Judge your body

If after the age of 25 the dreaded cell decay begins, let alone after 30, for those who cannot take care of their body as they would like, what it means to be naked with someone. Although for many, acceptance is the most natural cure, for others it is difficult to accept changes in their body and metabolism: this refusal can also affect the way they make love. It would be enough to stop judging yourself, if anything, get busy if you want to change, and discover that you can enjoy your body even when it is not what we would expect it to be!

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4. Get scared if you don't feel like it

As priorities grow, they can (and must) change. It is not said that every relationship should be judged on the basis of sex, or life is weighed on the basis of the amount of sex one has. It may happen that due to stress, commitments, distractions or different desires, there is a low desire phase. At a certain point the important thing becomes quality and not quantity.

5. Masturbate a little

Auto-eroticism is truly a beneficial practice, and these moments of intimacy should never be given up. If point 4 is true, it is also true that it is always good to devote yourself to knowing yourself and what makes you feel better. Never therefore stop masturbating, even when you are in a couple.No one can know you as well as you yourself.

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