Voiello evening on July 5 in Naples

Seven months, seven Italian cities and seven main themes: Turin - mountain cuisine, Milan - lowland cuisine, Naples - seafood cuisine, Verona - fresh water cuisine, Bologna - hill cuisine, Florence - city cuisine, Rome - party kitchen.

The next evening will be held in Naples, on 5 July at 7.30 pm, at the CittàdelGustoGamberoRosso, in via Coroglio 57 / 104E in the Bagnoli area.

During the evening three lucky ones will be able to cook together with the Voiello chefs. Like? Just send a recipe with the theme of "Seafood" and, if you are selected, you will have the opportunity to spend an evening hands-on and then taste your creations in company.

See also

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Voiello has reserved a table for alfemminile.com where six lucky forumines can sit, to spend a different evening than usual.
If, moreover, you love cooking and would like to be able to steal the secrets of the chefs, why not try sending us your recipe?

Read how to participate in the event

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