Zodiac signs: where the Sun is at the time of birth

There are 12 zodiac signs and they are attributed to each individual from the position of the Sun at the time of their birth. This presence of the Sun influences the course of life and causes inclinations and characteristics that are recognizable and different from others to be determined in his personality. Watch the video and discover the three adjectives that best describe each sign of the zodiac, always for those who believe in the Horoscope!

The Zodiac Signs: the classifications

The zodiacal constellations, sets of stars, concern astronomy, the signs of the zodiac, on the other hand, astrology. Therefore, with Zodiac Signs we refer to the periods of the year when the Sun rises in the east in the various constellations. For example, with "under the Zodiac sign of Gemini", we mean the time interval between May 21 and June 21. Due to the precession of the equinoxes, the astronomical (sidereal) and astrological (tropical) positions obviously no longer coincide. The term Zodiac derives from the Greek "path of life" and refers to a circular band of the earth's vault parallel to the equator, within which all the planets of the solar system move. The Zodiac is divided into 12 sections for each Zodiac Sign or 13, also including the discussed Ophiuchus or Serpentary. The name of the zodiac signs derives from the zodiacal constellations. The signs can be classified as follows: male signs, Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius, led to action and positive. Their natural elements are Air and Fire (Air: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius; Fire: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius); female signs, Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces, reactive and negative. Their natural elements are Earth and Water (Earth: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn; Water: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces). According to Carl Gustav Jung, the psyche has two main behaviors, extroversion and introversion. The first is aimed at others, new people and experiences, is knowing how to communicate and listen. The second is directed towards oneself, towards one's ideas and feelings, it is reflecting and reasoning. Male signs are extroverted, female signs are introverted. It is also true, however, that Jung believes that each of us has both aspects and if he consciously manifests extroversion, he lets the introversion act in his unconscious and vice versa. Jung associates intuition, thought, sensation and feeling respectively with the four natural zodiacal elements Fire, Earth, Air and Water, combined by Western astrology with the zodiac signs.

See also

New zodiac signs: what they are and what their meaning is

Chinese zodiac signs: what are their characteristics

The symbols of the zodiac signs: the meaning of the astrological glyphs

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Zodiac Signs: The natural elements Fire and Earth

Each natural element represents a predominant quality. Fire burns, gives light, heat and energy, like the Sun, it has the characteristics of masculine signs (dynamism, positivity, extroversion); it is linked to intuition, not as a rational capacity, but as a direct perception. The Fire in the "cardinal" sign of Aries can be lightning or fiery lava; in the "fixed" sign of Leo it is the sun that warms and blazes with burning passion; in the mobile sign of Sagittarius, a torch that illuminates, heat that shapes and transforms everything. The presence of too many planets in the Fire signs can lead to violence and the desire for power; the lack of Fire, little vitality and little initiative. The Earth is a female element (not very active, negative, introverted) connected to patience, practical sense, stability; it indicates the good land to sow, the essential nourishment, the foundations of construction. The natural element Earth is combined with patience, practicality, firmness; it corresponds as a psychic function to immediate sensation, which does not arrive through reasoning, but through the sense organs. Associated with Taurus it represents patience to wait for growth and conservation (fixed sign); associated with Virgo is concreteness and order (mobile sign); the hardness of the solid and infallible rock associated with Capricorn (cardinal sign). The excess of too many planets of Earth can lead to a sense of possession, jealousy and closure. The lack of land can generate less practical sense and little stability

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Zodiac Signs: The natural elements Air and Water

The natural element Air, linked to masculine signs, therefore extroverted, dynamic and positive, is associated with changes, communication, intelligence, entertainment, creativity and sociability. It connects to the lightness of ideas and projects. It corresponds to the function of thought, that is, it understands reality through evaluation and rationality.Associated with the sign of Gemini is a wealth of ideas and creativity, pleasant sensations, a spring breeze, it is the song of birds (mobile sign), for Libra it is the warm wind, which brings inner serenity and new projects (cardinal sign); associated with Aquarius is pure air, thin air at high altitude, with a broad view, where the universal ideals of Aquarius find nourishment (fixed sign). The excess of planets of Air can make it difficult to understand their feelings or to achieve what they wanted with all their strength. A defect in Aria can result in difficulties in social relations, a lack of enthusiasm for new projects. Water is adaptable to any situation, a natural female element, therefore passive, negative, introverted, but sensitive, connected to the emotional world, to love in all its forms, such as procreation, closeness, deep understanding. Water is an element associated with emotion, sensations, changes; it is linked to the function of feeling, through the evaluation and judgment of what is pleasant or unpleasant. It brings creativity, dreams and imagination. Associated with Cancer (cardinal sign) it is linked to the life that is born, to the liquid of gestation; to the water that penetrates deep into the earth and then gushes reborn, if associated with Scorpio (fixed sign); and then for Pisces (mobile sign) it is water that raises thirst, makes the earth fertile, and connects to the spiritual world. The excess of water planets leads to an exaggerated sensitivity, which decreases the spirit of initiative and expands the imagination. The lack of water leads to dryness of dreams and emotions.

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Zodiac signs: characteristics of the cardinal, fixed, mobile signs

The passage from the mobile sign to the cardinal coincides with the passage from one season to another: Spring for Aries, Taurus, Gemini; Summer for Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Autumn for Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius; Winter for Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces.
The fixed signs are stable and decisive, the cardinal ones rich in initiative and creativity. The mobile ones have a spirit of adaptation and genius. The Fire signs are reactive and passionate; those of Earth concrete and with a practical sense; those of Air, endowed with intelligence, good communication and imagination; those of water, associated with love and imagination and the strength of emotions. Note that a natural element with its corresponding signs is absent in every season: water in Spring; air in summer, earth in autumn, fire in winter.


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