Relationship between father and son: the secrets to improve it

Parents need to be present at every key moment in their children's lives so that they are aware of their growth both physically and mentally. It is important not to miss any important events, such as the birthday, the final of the football team where he plays or the end of year party of the school. If you share your time with them from childhood, you will have fewer communication problems, especially during adolescence.

Tips to improve the relationship between father and son

1. Dialogue: for the father-child relationship to work, the parent must transmit trust and security in their bond to the child, from the first years of life. In fact, during adolescence, young people go through a much more complex phase. Fathers tend to have conflicts with young people because of the emotional burden they have during this period. For this reason, it is important that they feel safe to talk about all the situations with their family members.
2. Trust: on the other hand, the appreciation of a child always has a strong impact, above all because it will influence the way he loves and feels pleasure, and will determine, to a large extent, the set of relationships he will have in the future both with men than with women. In short, the father figure must lead the child to become aware of the world around him. Its absence can inevitably cause a certain lack and imbalance for the child.
3. Stages: Understand that there are many stages in a child's life. Infancy, adolescence and adulthood are not the same phases. So you have to learn to listen to your children and, even if some of them are "more difficult" than others, you have to put yourself in their place.
4. Feelings: feelings, especially in adolescence, are a very delicate issue. This is because in that age group of 11-17, boys tend to internalize what they feel, not talking about what they think or what worries them. However, if you have created a great bond with them, not it will be difficult to sit down and talk about it every day, they will feel comfortable opening up to you because they have been used to it all along.

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The relationship between father and son

Today fathers are more involved in education and take care of their children so that it is no longer the sole responsibility of mothers. This is essential if families are to be balanced and a place where equality triumphs. It is important that the father's involvement occurs from the moment the child is born. In fact, this constant presence will be noticed by your child because he will feel the same trust in both parents. Thus, fathers turn out to be more and more attentive, receptive, interested in their child and spend much more time with him.

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Intercourse during childhood

Whether you are mothers or fathers, you have to dictate rules and limits from when your children are small. We must be less permissive, because later in adolescence and even in adulthood it will be more difficult to change some wrong attitudes or behaviors. A consolidated family relationship full of good manners is what will allow you to have much fewer problems and conflicts. most common when they are young have always been about games and, more recently, technology. The use of video games, social networks and in general a lot of time in front of the screen can create anxiety and tension, so it is important to establish rules and schedules for the use of these devices.

Managing free time and study schedules, so that they get used to a routine, is another of the most frequent discussions that you will have to deal with. Again, decide on the rules together with your partner, so that the children are trained and organized before they become teenagers.

Although it may be difficult for you to establish a dialogue between parent and child, it is important to achieve a relationship of complicity and balance at home. Thanks to it, you can get a special and more loving relationship with them, which will increase the good family relationship between all members.

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A friendship relationship

Playing with your baby and spending time with him is a way for the father to show his love. Some men find it difficult to say things or say words of love, so if you are one of them, it is best to try to open your mind and share activities, games or moments of complicity to show your child your affection.

In addition, many children want to be noticed at different stages of their life. Sometimes it can be good or bad. Being able to spend more time with your children and have a closer relationship with them will make it easier to strengthen that bond that binds you and also to understand the emotions and internal conflicts they may experience. Children need to be listened to and to receive all the information about life that their parents can give them. If you trust your children, you won't need any kind of research to find out more about them, as you will have the report to get them all told.

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The relationship as an adult

Despite this, it is known that there can be latent contrasts between father and son. The feeling of rivalry appears around the age of three: it is the Oedipus complex defined by Sigmund Freud. The child has the wrong impression that the father wants to take the place of the mother and this prevents him from having her all to himself. He sees him as a real rival and competes with his father to push him away and win his mother's heart. The son wants to appropriate the father's power and abilities. In other words, he even wants to overcome it.

However, this aspect can be mitigated until it disappears completely if there is a good collaboration between dad and mom to make the child feel in rivalry with no one, but part of a solid and stable union: that of the family. Only if this harmony is always carried forward, then the relationship with both parents will be serene and balanced, with no preference of one over the other. This harmony will also be seen when your child is an adult: the relationship will thus rest on excellent foundations and will always be made up of trust and respect. We can say that it is not really a friendship, but a complicity that lasts forever, the best relationship imaginable between father and son.

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