Shaving (the beard) is sexy

Have you ever thought about shaving your partner's beard? Some women came up with the idea, they found it tantalizing and went to ask for advice on how to do it. To who? To Francesco Cirignotta, barbitonsore and tricoesthete who holds courses and conferences on shaving even for non-professionals. Cirignotta confirms this trend and adds that the work of the 'barberess' (this is the name of the women who once worked in barber shops, much appreciated for their delicate touch) is making a comeback.

So, yes, shaving your beard can be a game of seduction and a moment of intimacy for an intriguing couple, in which eros and trust (which you inspire, which he gives you) come together in an indissoluble manor. The moment of shaving can become a ritual, a pampering, taking care of the other instead of an automatic gesture that a man experiences in solitude - and it is not even that pleasant.

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Any secret to making the shave perfect? Francesco Cirignotta (with the complicity of Invisalign who organized the meeting - dealing with the health and aesthetics of the smile, he could not forget the beard that frames it) explains that there are no secrets but methods and tools with which to become familiar and then choose: find what you like, that gives satisfaction, that is functional to the personal pleasure of man, of the couple and also of the skin, which must be pampered, hydrated, nourished. Important note, rest assured: there are safety razors, no one will end up with a cut throat!

Another tantalizing idea: we women too can experience the sensation of shaving, obviously without a blade. To understand more and share better. Try to swap roles: do you like this game of seduction, so ancient but now lived in such a modern perspective?

See also:

    • Gender: size matters
    • The sex toys with an organic soul
    • Food and sex: all in the kitchen!
    • Looking at the breasts is good for you

    Tags:  Love-E-Psychology Marriage Kitchen