Itchy scalp: 5 grandma's remedies to get rid of it

To solve the problem of itchy scalp it will first be necessary to identify the causes that triggered it. Excessive sebum production, small pimples, redness and flaking are the most common symptoms to trace the root of the disorder. Before deepening together you must consider that the health of the scalp also passes through the hair: we have collected 10 useful tips to have them healthy and strong. Watch the video below!

Itchy scalp: the causes

Experiencing itchy scalp is a condition that affects both men and women, quite frequently and with varying duration.
At the base there may be inflammation or even an infection, but in general the causes can be numerous and different from each other. For all these reasons it is always good to ask your doctor for a consultation.
Once you have discovered the origin of the problem, to avoid complications and not damage the scalp, you can opt for several remedies: targeted shampoos or the grandmother's remedies which we will talk about later. A healthy lifestyle is also essential to avoid stress. which could cause itchy scalp.
Let's see what the causes are more specifically.

See also

Sore scalp: remedies for burning and itching

Dry scalp: how to get rid of dryness

Scalp massage: what benefits does it bring?

  • Dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis

Among the most frequent causes of itchy scalp are dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis. While the first is a simple peeling of the scalp without the onset of inflammation, seborrheic dermatitis is formed by scaly and inflamed lesions, concentrated mainly behind the ears, along the contour of the scalp and, in some cases, also on the chest and eyebrows. .
Both of these conditions can cause a very annoying itch on the scalp, which can worsen if aggressive and unsuitable products are used to wash the hair.

  • Psoriasis

Psoriasis can also trigger itchy scalp. It is an inflammatory disease affecting the immune system, which manifests itself with burning and itching mixed with reddish erythematous patches, covered with whitish and dry scales. It does not affect the mucous membranes, but it can still affect the whole body, primarily the scalp!

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  • Infections

Infections are also factors related to itchy scalp. Both of a bacterial nature, when bacteria infect a hair follicle and we are faced with the notorious folliculitis, and of a fungal nature, when the scalp is affected by fungi that colonize it, infecting it.

  • Sun and heat

With the heat and the sun, sunburn cannot be ignored: the scalp burns much more than other areas of the body, because the UV rays are perpendicular. Excessive and too long exposure to the sun can irritate and inflame the skin, resulting in itching.

  • Stress

Furthermore, stress can also affect the most frequent disorders related to the scalp, favoring a weakening of the hair shaft with consequent fall.

  • Chemical dyes

Frequently undergoing chemical hair dyes is one of the most common causes of itchy and burning scalp. For this reason, you must always be very careful to test an unknown color to avoid intolerances and allergies. Alternatively, it is better to prefer natural products such as henna.

  • Lice

If children suffer from itchy scalp, lice may be the cause. By feeding and laying eggs on the scalp, they can be very annoying, as well as contagious and difficult to eliminate.

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Home remedies to treat itchy scalp

1 - Egg yolk
If your scalp is itchy, dryness may be the cause. Try this simple home remedy: wash your hair with egg yolk. The yolk is rich in nutrients, fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. If you have very long or thick hair, use 2 or 3 egg yolks as well.
You may not even use shampoo afterwards, however, many people feel the need to shampoo their hair anyway after egg yolk treatment. In this case, choose whether to mix the egg yolks with the shampoo or apply them as a pre mask. wash.

2 - Mint essential oil
If you are looking for a quick and effective solution that gives immediate relief without giving up the usual shampoo, you can take advantage of the essential oil of mint. A small amount is enough to not irritate the scalp. This "oil gives an immediate sensation of freshness and has an anti-inflammatory effect.
How to use it?

  • Add 5 drops of mint essential oil to the shampoo for every 100 ml of product.
  • Beneficial effects: activates circulation, regulates excess sebum, fights infections and hair loss.

3 - Calendula
Calendula is known for its calming and soothing properties: it is one of the best known medicinal plants, used above all to calm different types of skin irritations and inflammations. It is easy to find on the market in the form of cream or shampoo. How is it used?
Make an infusion of marigold flowers, then use it as a conditioner or cream. Apply it after shampooing without rinsing your hair.

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4 - Mask with aloe and chamomile
The aloe vera gel combined with chamomile creates a calming fluid useful for giving immediate relief to the scalp.

  • 3 tablespoons of aloe vera gel
  • 7 drops of chamomile essential oil

Preparation and application
Mix the two ingredients well. Apply the mask to the scalp without moistening the hair.
Leave on for 20 minutes and then rinse. You will immediately notice the effects of this natural beauty cure.

5 - Coconut and tea tree oil
When eczema is the cause of your scalp problems, you can use two ingredients that are considered miraculous to fight any fungus or bacteria: coconut oil and tea tree essential oil. Here's how to proceed.

  • 3 tablespoons of extra virgin coconut oil
  • 7 drops of tea tree essential oil

Preparation and application
Mix the two ingredients. Apply the remedy on your scalp before going to sleep and leave it on overnight. The next morning, wash your hair as usual. Be careful: tea tree essential oil could be irritating if you have sensitive skin. Test in a small area first.

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Itchy scalp: natural remedies to always have at home

In addition to the recipes that we mentioned in the previous paragraph, to treat scalp disorders it is always good to have ready-to-use allies at home. Let's see what they are.
Surely you cannot miss the extracts and essential oils such as lavender, which has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and purifying properties; horsetail is also no exception, because it is able to soften and nourish the scalp.
Then there are the nettle extract indicated for purifying the skin, while the sage extract, excellent for preventing the formation of dead cell scales. These are mild remedies, useful to give immediate relief, but it is important to emphasize that the causes of the problem will be investigated with the help of the doctor.
Itchy scalp can also be prevented by carefully cleaning the skin and hair: the fundamental rule is always to avoid too aggressive products.
We would like to emphasize, before concluding the article, that stress can also affect the appearance of the annoying itch. Trying to relax by dedicating time to yourself, playing sports or practicing yoga also helps you not to think about itching, thus decreasing the discomfort.
Finally, for the well-being of the whole body, it is always a good idea to take care of your diet: a healthy diet and the right amount of water can help make skin and hair healthier and stronger.

Tags:  Parenthood Beauty In Shape