Pilates: the perfect back exercises

If you suffer from back pain, pilates is the sport for you! The Pilates method, in fact, with its gentle gymnastic exercises inspired by yoga and dance, brings numerous benefits and helps to regain one's physical and mental balance.

The back, in particular, will benefit from a constant practice of pilates, which in fact helps to align the spine by correcting posture errors and offering a sense of relief to back pain. Stretching exercises such as those we propose and that you can do comfortably at home, will give your back greater flexibility and elasticity.

If it is the first times you practice Pilates, do not force the movements too much and stretch as far as you can: you will acquire more and more elasticity and fluidity of the movement from time to time, avoiding contractures. And, before you start, don't forget to do some stretching:

1. Bending of the bust forward

In an upright and well aligned position, lean your torso forward, taking care to bring your head between your knees. With your hands, grab your ankles or, if you can, come to touch the ground at the height of the heels.

Be careful never to flex your knees and always stay with your legs straight. After reaching the position, hold it for at least thirty seconds.

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2. Raise on the arms with back bend

Lie on your stomach on your mat, with your legs extended. Rest your palms at shoulder height, lift up on your arms, being careful to bend your torso backwards, so that it can form an acute angle with the floor.

Maintain the position for thirty seconds: you will immediately feel relief and the sensation of your back stretching!

3. Bending of the back forward

Roll out your mat and sit on your lap. At this point, bend your torso forward with your arms straight and parallel in front of you. Try to stretch your arms and back as much as possible, then hold the position for at least 30 seconds.

This exercise is really great for improving back pain problems!

4. Arm and opposite leg stretched

Get on all fours on the mat, with your knees bent and your arms straight at shoulder height. Raise your right arm and left leg at the same time, stretching them as much as possible. Maintain the position for 30 seconds. Then proceed by lifting your left arm and leg right.

This exercise is very useful for finding your balance and toning the muscles of the arms and legs.

5. Stretching on the stomach

Lie down on your mat on your stomach. Raise both the torso and the legs at the same time, bringing the arms parallel forward at shoulder height. Extend the limbs as much as possible. Maintain this position for 30 seconds, then assume a relaxation position.

This exercise, in addition to being very useful, helps to regain one's center of gravity, stimulating balance and favoring the flattening of the abdominal belt.

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