Evergreen climbing plants: beautiful in any season

Evergreen climbing plants beautifully decorate your home, external walls, terraces and gardens for every day of the year. As you will see, there are many types, some of which also give you beautiful fragrant flowers. Discover the most beautiful and be amazed. : plants make your rooms more cheerful and purify the air that surrounds you. Do not you believe it? Watch this video and cultivate your new passion!

Evergreen climbing plants: Ivy, the most widespread

Here is some information on evergreen climbing plants, which adorn your outdoor areas, making a garden a "green oasis. Ivy, a romantic plant with its three-lobed or five-lobed leaves, variegated with white or yellow, is the most used creeper as a decoration of outdoor spaces. It climbs everywhere, adapting to any climate and location, mountainous or marine. It wants fertile and absorbent soils; it does not fear the cold, but does not like full sun. Water it regularly, fertilize it in spring and prune it in autumn, to Some types of ivy with very small leaves are suitable for indoor spaces. Numerous varieties of evergreen climbing plants belong to the genus hedera.Hedera helix elegant, a very common plant in Europe and northern Asia, has thin, semi-woody stems, with small roots to weld to the supports and leaves of various sizes and colors from dark green to very light. The stems generate green flowers in autumn and then dark berries.

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Climbing plants with flowers: the most beautiful of the spring season

10 evergreen outdoor succulents, hardy and easy to care for

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Evergreen climbing plants: the alluring white Jasmine flower

Jasmine (Jasminum) is a very fragrant evergreen climbing plant. In fact, the word ya-samin derives from the Persian "white flower": for the Arabs it is the flower that perfumes Islamic Eden; it is also the national flower of Indonesia and the Philippines. Damascus is called "the city of jasmine". Traces of it have also been found in the sarcophagus of a pharaoh. Imported to Italy by the Turks in the 1400s, it spread to Europe thanks to Spanish and Portuguese navigators, including Vasco De Gama. There are many varieties of Jasmine. The Polianthum, originally from China, has an intensely perfumed pink-white flower; it blooms from winter to spring. Nudiflorum, “Jasmine of St. Joseph”, of Chinese origin like Polianthum, is another variety: it blooms at the end of winter with non-perfumed yellow flowers. With adequate supports, it grows as a climber, otherwise as a bush. Like Nudiflorum, Primulinum also has Chinese origins and odorless yellow flowers; it can be grown in pots, resisting cold and drought and adapting to the half shade. It can reach 3 meters in height. The Officinalis, white jasmine, with Chinese, Indian and Iranian origins, is the most widespread in Europe. It has long leaves and fragrant white flowers. It blooms throughout the summer. It can reach 15 meters in height. The Grandiflorum, Jasmine of Spain, loves a mild climate. Its flowers, the most fragrant among those of the Jasmine varieties, are used industrially for cosmetics and perfumes. Also the Akebia quinata, a climber of Chinese, Japanese and Korean origins, grows luxuriantly rapidly, has waxed leaves, the flower of a very fragrant purple color and in summer some pods with soft pulp. The Akebia quinata loves full sun; it can also develop in half shade and shade, but with few flowers. It does not suffer from the harsh climate. Fertilize it with mature manure.

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Evergreen climbing plants: the most loved, Bouganvillea and Plumbago

Among the climbing plants stands out the fantastic Brazilian Bougainvillea with fuchsia, orange, white and purple flowers, thorny stems with almost evergreen, oval, often heart-shaped leaves, very common in many beautiful tourist resorts in Southern Italy. Likes a mild and warm climate. The ground should be covered with pebbles with a layer of clay at the bottom for drainage. Fertilize it in summer and prune it before spring. In the 18th century few of its varieties were imported into Europe from Brazil, including the Buganvillea spectabilis and the Buganvillea glabra. Today there are many with different characteristics: some withstand the cold and not drought, others are suitable for interiors. showy cascades of leaves and flowers in summer are now typically Mediterranean, especially in the southern coastal areas. mild climate, but can withstand low temperatures Water regularly in summer Plumbago varieties include white-flowered Plumbago Alba and cobalt-blue Royal Cape Cultivar Plumbago blooms in summer from June until the first cold weather; has semi-woody stems, oval leaves. Due to the color of the flowers between sky blue and wisteria and for the long flowering it is preferred by mo lti.

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Evergreen climbing plants: Clematis, Bignonia, Wisteria, Passiflora, Dipladenia

Clematis, a climber with a thick and strong mantle, alternated with rose plants, makes lawns and porches beautiful and original. There are many varieties. Clematis Armandii has strong leaves, pink-white flowers and dense branches. Water it regularly since spring; in autumn and winter, suspend irrigation for underground plants and water those in pots from time to time. The plant does not fear the cold, but the strong wind can damage its leaves. Clematis montana is a climber with dark green leaves with abundant flowering : its flower is pink tinged with white. It loves half-shaded or sunny areas; its branches can reach 8-10 meters in length. Also particular is the Bignonia with its very original clusters of orange trumpet-shaped flowers that bloom from summer until October; it has beautiful long, deep green leaves. Do not expose it to full sun. Water it abundantly in summer, fertilize it every three months. Wisteria, sun-loving and fast-growing, is also wonderful. Fertilize it with a slow-release granular. Decorate the slightly vintage pergolas with the elegance of its long, hanging lilac clusters . The passion flower, Passiflora, known in phytotherapy for its anxiolytic and antispasmodic properties contrasting insomnia, stress, gastrointestinal and bronchial disorders, has white flowers with exotic pink and purple hues. Passiflora Caerulea has large blue flowers and tolerates the cold. Feed it in full bloom. The Dipladenia plant is an evergreen climber for both indoors and outdoors, it loves half sun and humid environments, but not in the shade with late flowering.

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Other climbing plants: Nepeta grandiflora, Honeysuckle and Boston Ivy

Cat's Pajamas (Nepeta grandiflora) catnip has highly fragrant white, pink, lilac or blue flowers that last for months. Its erect spikes want sun and moist soil. It can create hedges, wallpaper walls, fences large open spaces. It owes its name to the fact that cats are responsive to its foliage and scent. The evergreen climbing honeysuckle comes from Asia and the USA, has fragrant flowers, petrol green leaves. It loves partial shade and abundant water, especially in summer. The American Vine or Boston Ivy has leaves that are bright a magnificent red in the fall, which quickly spread over the exterior walls for a beautiful effect. It is not a true evergreen: in the cold it tends to lose its leaves, but not the blue berries. If it is in a pot, you can put the plant away from frost. Climbing plants are also suitable for making hedges; they develop quickly and can create them in a short time. They are almost always vigorous and rarely attacked by parasites. Some of them endure cold and sun, drought and rain. They are very common in Italy (not only to create hedges, but also to give shade to any type of structure), in addition to Ivy, Trachelospermum Jasminoides in the North and Jasminum officinalis in the Center South, strong and simple plants to grow. In spring and all summer they have cascades of deliciously scented flowers. Although in severe winters it loses some of its leaves, Passiflora is an excellent climber for hedges, as is Hoya carnosa (Asclepias carnosa) a climbing plant with dark green leaves with white flowers, red inside. Climbing plants have persistent leaves practically throughout the year, even in the cold months, adorn crumbling and bare walls, gardens, parks, shield open areas, decorate arches of roses and canopies and take advantage of the height in outdoor spaces.

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