Pamper the indoor plants

What plants to choose?

There are several types of plants which can grow into a closed environment:

- The orchids. Orchids are ornamental plants that come, in general, from Asia and tropical regions, but caring for them is often quite difficult. The vanilla used to flavor foods is part of the orchid family.

See also

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- The flowering plants. These plants include lilies, hibiscus or bluebells. They are very decorative plants but give off a very penetrating scent.

- The green leafy plants, typical of tropical regions. The abundance of foliage is due to heat and humidity.

- I. cactus and succulents they come from arid regions where it rarely rains and therefore are able to build up their own water reserves. No problem if you forget to water them!

- I. apartment bulbs, such as amarillys, which blooms at Christmas time, or pink turmeric.

What do they need?

To grow and flourish, a plant needs several elements

- The light

Plants need light. Place them near the window or near an artificial light source such as a sodium lamp or fluorescent lamp. Instead, avoid mercury lamps, which are harmful to health and the environment.

- The temperature

The room temperature should be between 18 ° and 20 °. In the evening you can also lower it a few degrees, so the plant will recognize its daily rhythm. To help you in this task, get a temperature variator, but be careful of the air currents.

- The humidity

In periods of great heat we recommend that you humidify your plants with a vaporizer or by placing the pot on a bed of clay balls or gravel soaked in water: the water, evaporating, will humidify the plant. Avoid leaving plants near a heat source (radiator, radiator) because they run the risk of rotting.

How to take care of it?

Each plant is unique and needs specific gestures, so always get advice from your florist before buying one.

- Watering

There are no fixed rules, but in principle before watering your plant you can wait for the soil on the surface to be dry. To know for sure if the earth is still damp, insert a bamboo stick into the pot: if when you remove it it is dirty with earth, the plant still does not need water.

Good to know.Clean up the leaves of your green-leaved plants: the dust it prevents them from breathing and receiving light, and what's more, it's a great way to humidify them.

- Pruning

In order for your plants to remain beautiful and healthy, remove regularly dead leaves and i dry branches.

- The fertilizer

Put the fertilizer in the period of plant growth, between March and September, and preferably choose a organic fertilizer. Renew the operation every 15 days, but without exceeding the prescribed dosage.

-The repotting

If your plant's roots don't have enough space, you need to put it in a larger pot, otherwise it will not grow. In most cases this operation is carried out immediately after the purchase or at the end of winter, just before flowering. Choose a clay pot with a diameter of 2 to 4 cm larger than the previous one, so the roots can grow and to breathe.

How to recognize a sick plant?

Plants can suffer from heat, thirst or excess water, and each of these discomforts manifests itself in a different way.

If a plant does not get enough light it will have thin stems and protracted upwards. In this case, just move it near a window or an artificial light source, but avoid exposing it directly to the sunlight, which could burn the leaves.

A plant that doesn't get enough water or, on the contrary, it receives too much of it will have yellow and withered leaves. To remedy this, repot it taking care to leave dry the soil, if this is too wet, or vaporize water on the back of the leaves if the plant is too dry.

Good to know:

Some plants, such as Aloe vera, they purify the atmosphere. How does it work? The leaves of the plant absorb carbon dioxide to transform it into nourishment. In return, the plant emits water vapor, which improves the humidity and oxygen levels. The bigger the plant, the more this gas exchange is important.

This type of plants can be placed in any room, even in the bedroom, as the amount of carbon monoxide emitted during the night is less than the amount of oxygen emitted during the day. Conversely, plants such as lily of the valley, dandelion or desert rose are considered toxic and should not be left within the reach of children, who could ingest them.

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