Here comes the Pet Playlist to listen to music with our animal friends

Animals are our best friends and as such, we like to share all possible experiences with them.
From food to naps, from walks to emotions.
According to a Spotify study, a good percentage of users own a pet and more! She loves dedicating, dancing and singing songs for her four-legged friend. That's why, the same giant of music streaming, has decided to launch the Pet Playlist, or collections of songs selected on the basis of the profile of your pet. After all, they too are of the family:

Here's how to create the Pet Playlist for your furry friend:

1. Select your pet. The choices are dog, cat, iguana, hamster or bird. No snakes or pigs ... for the moment

2. Select the characteristics of your friend: is he a lively dog ​​or a shy cat? Do you have a particularly nice iguana? The more descriptive you are, the more faithful the playlist will be to the animal's personality.

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3. Complete the profile with a photo and the name of your pet and create a Share Card.
4. Share the Share Card on social channels and show the world that even your hamster listens to better music than your partner's.

Now you are free to party with your animal friends and if the Pet Playlist is to their liking, you could put it in play when you leave them at home alone: ​​it's always a good idea to pamper them!

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