Baby hair: what they are, how to manage them or possibly remove them

Curly or straight, light or dark, long or short, frizzy or wavy, in short, there are plenty of hair varieties. But there is one you may have never heard of: baby hair. These are fine locks, mainly present on the forehead, and visible mainly with gathered hairstyles. Often despised, sometimes even removed, today they are sported in great style by stars and models on the catwalks, styled through styling that is every time more surprising and creative. If your forehead is also dotted with "dwarf hair" and you don't know how to manage it, you just have to read this article and gather all the information you need!

But before reading, here is a very interesting video about the link between hair and personality of each of us!

Baby hair: what are they and where are they found?

Baby hair, also called dwarf hair, is very short and fine hair that appears mainly in certain areas of the body such as on the forehead, at the hairline, on the neck and around the ears. Although they are part of the natural regrowth of hair, baby hair does not grow any more than we see it and that is why it is often considered unmanageable from a styling point of view. These rather thin and almost impalpable locks are present above all among the Mediterranean, Latin American and African populations, having, in general, darker hair that automatically makes the baby hair more evident. This does not mean that they are completely absent among people with blond and light locks, in this case the baby hair simply goes more unnoticed, resulting almost invisible. The best way to check the condition of your baby hair is to pull your hair back, in hairstyles such as tails (like the photo in which Jennifer Lopez is portrayed), chignon or braids. By doing so, the forehead will be completely free and uncovered and will highlight, if you have them, the presence of dwarf hair.

See also

Mullet hair: the most controversial cut in the history of hairstyles

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Baby hair: why do they grow?

Baby hair, as you can already guess from the name, are hair that sprout at an early age and have a very specific purpose, similar to that of hair in general: to warm the body, absorb sweat and prevent the skin from being earthy. fertile for any irritation. Although they appear in childhood, when we are still children, dwarf hair can accompany us into adulthood.

Baby hair: how to style it?

Although your baby hair may seem unmanageable to you and neither hairdryer nor straightener can come to your rescue, you can always contact your trusted hairdresser or follow the hundreds of tutorials on the web.If before, in fact, the general trend was to hide them at all costs or remove them with rather rudimentary methods, today dwarf hair is shown off with pride through original and chic looks! The catwalks are a demonstration of this, more and more often trodden by models who, through their hairstyles, have been able to make baby hair a real fashion, and stars of the caliber of Rihanna who makes them stand out accompanied by chignon and other hairstyles, which they bare their foreheads. If you are wondering how to comb your baby locks while not being able to count on a competent hair stylist 24 hours a day, the answer is simple: arm yourself with a mini comb (or a disused toothbrush), hairspray and gel (or alternatively wax. for hair) and indulge yourself in creating imaginative styling, creating writings, shapes and other decorations with your - until now - badly tolerated baby hair. The final effect will be extraordinary and will allow you to stand out in the crowd of hairstyles that are all the same and banal. If you don't know where to start, get inspired by the photo below and the thousands of images on the Internet!

Here are some useful products for styling your baby hair:

> Portable mini comb
> Extra-long lasting hair gel
> Invisible modeling paste

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Baby hair remedies: here's how to remove them

Nowadays, thanks to continuous innovations in the aesthetic field, it is also possible to intervene on baby hair, in case we want to eliminate or reduce them. The methods by which we can remove our baby hair, temporarily or permanently, are many, some more effective and advisable than others. But let's see in more detail every single way in which it is possible to do this and all the necessary information before proceeding.

  • Razor: using the razor blade to get rid of your dwarf hair can be one of the possible solutions, but certainly not the best. Of course, once shaved, the baby hair will seem to have disappeared, but it is only a matter of days before these small locks will reappear on the forehead stronger than ever. Their appearance, in fact, will be darker and bristly than before, vaguely reminiscent of that of men's beards. It is therefore a method that could considerably worsen the situation.
  • Waxing: this baby hair removal system, although apparently effective, is inadvisable from several points of view. First of all, since dwarf hair rises on particularly delicate areas of the body, depilating with wax could be a rather painful procedure, incurring the risk of causing microtrauma or irritation, especially on the forehead. Furthermore, it is quite difficult to distinguish the baby hair from the remaining hair at the height of the hairline, so the probability of tearing even the latter is considerable, resulting in more harm than good. In general, waxing is not a definitive solution, as, after a few weeks, we would see a new and inevitable reappearance of the baby strands.
  • Tweezers: using tweezers to say goodbye to your baby hair simply means one thing: wanting yourself very badly. Exactly, because if you really intend to remove the dwarf hair of the forehead with the help of this tool, you need to prepare yourself psychologically and come to terms with reality: in short, it is useless to deny it, you will undergo an endless torture and no look. it deserves so much.
  • Laser: the last method we present to you is undoubtedly the most effective and safe. This is the laser, a solution certainly more expensive than those mentioned above, but certainly the best for the removal of nano hair. Since this treatment acts directly on the hair bulb, destroying it, the hair is permanently eliminated. If you decide to use the laser, it is good that you go to a specialized center, where a team of experienced and competent people will be able to advise you on what to do, treating the "problem" baby hair with the utmost seriousness. Usually, for the removal to be permanent and the forehead to be totally free from these locks, it is necessary to undergo a number of sessions equal to 6 or 8, depending on the amount of hair to be removed. The only downside, in addition to the price, compared to this method, is the irreversibility of the process, so once eliminated, the baby hair will no longer grow back and we will have to learn to live with our new and homogeneous hairline.

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Celebrities have baby hair too!

Even the stars are not immune to baby hair, making these a natural feature of our hair regardless of fame and success. There are several names of celebrities on whose foreheads you can see this hair, more like short strands. A few examples? Jennifer Lopez, Rihanna and Alicia Keys, women of the show who in recent years have learned to show off their baby locks with original and trendy looks. But not all the stars have been able to make peace with their dwarf hair and have therefore resorted to alternative methods to get rid of it once and for all. One of the best known cases is that of Kim Kardashian, heiress and entrepreneur, who in unsuspecting times resorted to laser to give new life to her hairline. The transformation is evident, as we can see from the images just above. Despite this, certain sources reveal that Kim K was taken by remorse for this choice, once she learned that these locks are suddenly all the rage, as our half-sister Kylie Jenner also teaches us, who wears baby hair with great pride and naturalness.

In general, our advice is not to demonize all those features, including baby hair, which, although devalued by unrealistic aesthetic diktats, contribute to making us unique and special!

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