Yoni massage: a tantric relaxation technique that enhances femininity

The Yoni massage is a tantric massage able to relax tense muscles very deeply in a satisfactory way. Obviously its effects also affect sexuality, but not in the sense of autoeroticism: it is not masturbation. There are so many types of massage! Before discovering all the secrets of the Yoni massage, also watch this video in which we will show you a very daring massage ... with knives!

An ancient therapeutic massage for a modern and liberated woman

In Sanskrit Yoni means sacred place, sacred door, and symbolizes the female sexual organ. The Yoni massage concerns, in fact, after the preliminary massages for the whole body with essential oils, the intimate parts of the woman, giving her relief and helping her to enhance her charge of femininity. When one thinks of a massage on the genital area, one immediately thinks of autoeroticism or a preliminary phase of sexual intercourse aimed at greater arousal.
However, it is not a practice aimed exclusively at physical pleasure, but above all a spiritual path started through manipulation, which calms all types of tension and awakens sensuality in its best expression. You can do it alone or with your partner, although it is better to contact experienced and qualified professions in this type of massage. The benefits are varied and remarkable. The goal of the Yoni massage is not to reach the peak of physical pleasure, which can also come, but only as a consequence of the massage. When spirit and body merge, according to the tantric philosophy, we access a new vision of life. As far as sexuality is concerned, this massage brings to the knowledge of the woman sensations that concern not only her intimacy, but her whole body, freeing her from inhibitions and psychological blocks.

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The many benefits of the Yoni massage

The massage is also purifying and detoxifying and helps to expel physical intoxication and negative psychological emotions. His body, according to Tantra, will become capable of receiving any kind of sensation and this will also bring benefits to the relationship with the partner. The feeling of well-being experienced is incredibly deep, engaging and totally satisfying. From a physical point of view, the massage promotes lubrication and the receptivity of sensations, relieves menstrual pains and any other type of tension. Without more psychological blocks, in the couple relationship it is possible to reach even more satisfying heights of pleasure.The Yoni massage technique, according to experts in the field, is heavily based on the exploratory touch that calms anxiety, increases the receptivity of sensations and also manages to heal the traumas of previous experiences: therefore, it cannot be reduced only to a normal one. erotic stimulation. It can be pleasurable, but its purpose is not momentary satisfaction, but a help to improve each woman's sex life and emotional well-being over the years. This technique is not yet regulated and, therefore, it is necessary to be cautious and rely on experts recommended by centers or trusted friends; it is also preferable to contact the operator before making an appointment and then collect exhaustive information on his technique and his professional seriousness. As confirmed by those who have tried these massages, especially those who have anxiety problems or experience pain in the relationship derive great benefit from them. couple. Also in Italy this technique is for many a real must. The sessions can last a long time, even more than two hours. Deep breathing is necessary during the massage to make the atmosphere that is created calm and warm and so even the oils used to massage contribute with their aroma to create a soothing environment. The oil in the massage is essential, not only for its intoxicating aroma, but also to make the massage easier for those who practice it and more pleasant for those who according to experts, an oil particularly effective for stimulating sensory massages is a blend of essential oil of rosemary with bergamot, lim one, juniper and grape seeds, which can also be purchased online. The aromatic candles are then an element that is an excellent setting for this particular experience.

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How is this tantric massage implemented? Techniques and purposes

Usually the technique begins with a slow and preparatory total body massage to dissolve all kinds of tension, up to the intimate parts of the woman. Manual penetration implies the consent of the person undergoing the massage, as well as its duration. The method involves a series of different touches depending on the goal to be achieved, that is, whether it is to help the subject overcome anxiety or pain in the relationship or improve his physical sensitivity. If you are not ready to face this massage with a stranger, you can seek the cooperation of your partner or practice it alone. The important thing, however, is relaxation, not the pursuit of physical pleasure. In these cases, however, the massage will usually end up being reduced to a stimulation as it is not possible to bring the healing touch, never rigid and too strong, of an expert in this field, a real help, as can be deduced from their testimonies, also from a psychic point of view. Many women report that after these massage sessions their body became more responsive in sexual intercourse. In fact, after the experience of total relaxation, thanks to the light and exploratory touch of the operator, full of positive sensations never experienced before, even the relationship with the usual partner has acquired new nuances. The Yoni massage leads to a greater development of the female personality , as it causes an awakening of the rational mind, physical body and spiritual part of every woman, which is gently deprived of her tensions and emotional blocks.

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The mind must also become a sacred place, freeing itself of all anxiety and worries, in order to fully enjoy one's femininity. The body should be massaged in a caressing way, without any pressure. It is very important that a perfect synchrony is created between the bodies, to intensify the experience and make its effects last for a long time. It is also important to breathe deeply and stay with the bodies synchronized and in contact, so that the event becomes even more intense. The scent of candles, the sweetness of essential oils and lubricant, the exotic softness of cushions of various shapes and colors will make the practice of this technique a prolonged pleasure and a valid therapy. Words do not count, they are of little use in a similar atmosphere or are of no use at all; silence and breathing are more valid substitutes together with looking into each other's eyes and a relaxed smile, which creates greater complicity with the partner or with the operator, much deeper than any more formally erotic dialogue.

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Yoni: the liberation of femininity

Thanks to the Yoni massage, the woman should be able to free herself from the chains of her mental blocks, which prevent her from curbing anxiety and calming down and expanding her sensual strength throughout her body. The obstacles created by thoughts of shame, disappointment and lack of self-esteem are cleared from his mind. Mind and body forget all negative experiences and feelings, reaching a state of luminous well-being, peace and blissful fulfillment. This technique brings benefits, which last even long after the session, on mood, on the couple relationship, on the functionality and sensitivity of the sexual organs and reduces the tensions due to emotions and any type of pain related or not to the genital sphere. By adding serenity, a key ingredient in a satisfying life, to intercourse you naturally set yourself up for longer and more intense pleasure, with beneficial results for the body and mind. The strong female sexual power has created since ancient times a sense of inferiority in men, who have reacted by repressing the sexuality of the woman also through an improper use of spirituality. Over time, women have tried to stifle the natural instinct that leads them to pleasure, in a sentence inherited from their mothers and grandmothers. The pleasure that unfolds from the inside is very beneficial for the physical and mental health of the woman, it makes her live as a vital being, full of her femininity.

The lack of neuronal connections between the brain and the sexual organs of the woman is responsible for her greater difficulty in experiencing pleasure in an internal relationship than in the external one. Therefore, by becoming aware of its most intimate parts and experiencing its internal sensations, the neuronal cells will connect with the area, increasing its sensitivity.

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