5 ways to not feel alone even if you live alone

At some point in our life we ​​need to let go and get away from home. This can happen in the first year of university, when for one reason or another you are forced to change cities, or it can happen when, with the first salary, you decide you want a little more independence and start fantasizing about a life in lonely.
Sure, as a woman there are problems like these that you can't escape, but they really happen to everyone!

The first few days are going to be weird, you're probably not used to having so much space for yourself, but once you get into gear you'll be pretty much unstoppable!

See also

7 ways to feel beautiful every day

1. Enlighten and enlighten you too

Spending hours with the shutters down has never helped anyone: let the light flood the room and focus on the little everyday things: a pleasant change, a ray of sunshine hitting the floor, silence.
To feel good you don't need to upset things, sometimes just the right lighting is enough.

2. Don't overdo it with Instagram

On social media we only post what we want to show about us, certainly it will never occur to us to post a photo of ourselves destroyed after a crazy night. Watching others have fun, and remembering that you are at home alone, you will certainly be sad: from 6pm onwards stop on social networks. You will definitely feel better!

3. Don't stay indoors all day

Ok come on, sometimes it really is the case to stay at home all day, especially when the new episode of your favorite series has come out and you can afford to see her wearing the most comfortable bra in the world, but this does not have to become a habit. The longer you stay alone, the more you will begin to feel alone even if, once you go out, you have dozens and dozens of people you can rely on.

4. Remember what it was like before

Remember that before going out you had to make your bed, that you could not eat milk and cereals in the evening and that at a certain time you had to go to sleep because, otherwise, the volume of the television would have disturbed the people in the next room.
Don't forget what it was like before and ... keep fighting!

5. Get a puppy

Animals are the best friends of man and, in this case, of women. What's better than going home and finding a wagging creature who can't wait for cuddles?
Before proceeding with the adoption make sure you have time and space to dedicate to him and, in case this should be lacking, you can always focus on a more practical puppy, such as a fish or a turtle. They don't wag their tails but they can be equally adorable!

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