Magnesium in pregnancy: benefits for women's health and when to take supplements

Magnesium in pregnancy, like other mineral salts and different types of vitamins (primarily folic acid), is very important for the development of the fetus and the health and well-being of pregnant women. Taking magnesium through a correct diet or, if necessary, food supplements (to be taken in the recommended daily dose) is recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Let's find out together everything there is to know, and in the meantime, here are some foods to watch out for if you are pregnant:

Why is magnesium important in pregnancy?

It is well known that during pregnancy it is particularly important to take care of one's diet for the well-being of both pregnant women and future children, who must not lack mineral salts and vitamins. A magnesium deficiency, which can have various causes, is dangerous for your health: magnesium, in fact, has the ability to act directly on the nervous system, promoting muscle relaxation (goodbye to those painful muscle cramps so frequent during pregnancy! ).

Magnesium in pregnancy is a real panacea for the health of your uterus: by regulating its contractions, it decreases the possibility of suffering from nausea. It is also indicated for your psychological well-being, promoting rest and decreasing mood swings and irritability. The action of magnesium on the nervous system can help you if you suffer from insomnia and weakness.

Magnesium in pregnancy is also important, as anticipated, for the health of the fetus: it helps it to develop, prevents underweight at birth, reduces the risk of premature birth, preeclampsia or gestosis.

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What are the causes of magnesium deficiency during pregnancy?

The causes of magnesium deficiency can be different. During pregnancy, magnesium deficiency is usually due to the greater need that pregnant women have for it. A healthy diet, rich in minerals and vitamins (especially vitamin B9, or folic acid) generally manages to cover the daily requirement. In case you don't, it will be good to seek medical advice and take food supplements.

Among the first causes of magnesium deficiency in pregnancy, therefore, are the "increased need that women have to give birth to their future children and an unbalanced diet. Even vomiting can lead to an" expulsion of magnesium, which it does not have time to be assimilated by the body. Magnesium can also be expelled due to excessive sweating.

How to understand that you have a magnesium deficiency? Muscle cramps in the calves, uterus or, in general, accentuated tensions may occur. Obviously these symptoms can also concern other health problems that do not come with a possible magnesium deficiency. For this reason, it is always best to seek medical advice before taking supplements.

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How to take magnesium during pregnancy? Diet, supplements and daily dose not to be exceeded

The recommended daily dose of magnesium in pregnancy varies between 310 and 350 milligrams, based on age (310 milligrams for pregnant women under the age of 19, 350 for pregnant women below). to overcome is generally achieved without particular problems with a balanced diet rich in mineral salts. green leaf.

However, if you are unable to reach the recommended dose through meals, on the advice of your doctor you can avoid magnesium deficiency thanks to food supplements. The magnesium supplements on the market are of different types: from capsules to effervescent tablets, from sprays to granules, from oils to gels or powdered magnesium. Your doctor will recommend the most suitable supplement for you.

When to take magnesium during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

Assuming that magnesium deficiency can harm your psycho-physical well-being even if you are not pregnant, it is even more important to avoid it during gestation. Also after hearing a medical opinion, you could start taking it before you even get pregnant, and then increase the doses later, when the fetus will assimilate a good percentage of it.

It will therefore be important to take the right doses of magnesium from the first day of pregnancy, and then continue after birth. There are no precise indications on when to stop taking supplements, which should also be taken during breastfeeding. With breastfeeding, in fact, the recommended daily dose rises up to 390 milligrams. Babies by feeding from the breast "steal" the mother important nutrients such as minerals and vitamins. It is therefore usually recommended to continue with supplements even while breastfeeding.

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Are there any contraindications to taking magnesium for the health of women and children?

The intake of magnesium during pregnancy has no real contraindications.You should be particularly careful only if you suffer from kidney failure: this disease, in fact, does not allow your body to eliminate all waste as it should, causing sedimentation that can be dangerous for health.

However, care must be taken not to exceed the recommended daily dose: it may seem strange to you, but an excessive intake of magnesium could cause the same problems that a deficiency of this same salt entails. Therefore, avoid doing it yourself if you wish to take supplements and talk to your doctor so that he can advise you.

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