The Pritikin Diet

The principle
All of us would be influenced by a survival mechanism, called "fat instinct", which would lead us to eat more than necessary (especially fatty foods), to store lipids and to limit physical activity to save energy. According to Pritikin, it could be defeated. this instinct by limiting fat as much as possible and increasing the consumption of slow sugars and dietary fibers.The Pritikin diet therefore proposes to adopt healthy eating habits and to move a lot.
This program is part of the diets that aim to limit the consumption of fats and to accentuate that of fiber and carbohydrates, which would allow to reduce the cholesterol level and the risk of cardiovascular diseases. However, the Pritikin diet is much higher in carbohydrates (75% - 80%) and far less rich in lipids (5% - 10%) than is usually recommended. Also, no Pritikin diet recipe contains oil.

Permitted foods
Fruit, vegetables, dried legumes, wholemeal cereal products, milk, yogurt and low-fat cheeses, herbs and spices, coffee and tea, cooked egg white, fish and seafood, lean meat
Foods to be consumed as little as possible
Vegetable oils, refined sugar, artificial sugars, salt, seasonings, alcohol
Foods to avoid
Butter, animal fats, chocolate, margarine, hydrogenated oils, fatty meats, cured meats, coconut, egg yolk, fried foods, sweets, sweets, sauces

Typical day
Breakfast: orange, whole grains, bran, low-fat white yogurt
Lunch: lentils, salad, broccoli, wholemeal bread, skim milk
Snack: raw carrots and celery
Dinner: brown rice, shrimp, steamed vegetables, apple, tea

See also

The low-calorie diet: pros and cons of the weight loss diet par excellence

Detox diet: what the detox diet is and how it works

The Atkins Diet

This diet helps you lose weight, but it would also help prevent heart disease, non-insulin-dependent diabetes and cancer., and to lower blood pressure.

The pros
The high intake of fiber and sufficient consumption of protein promote satiety.

The cons
The dishes, cooked without the use of fats, can be unappetizing.
It is a complicated diet to follow when going to restaurants.
The very limited intake of fats can lead to deficiencies. In addition, carotenoids (powerful antioxidants) and numerous vitamins are better absorbed when combined with fats.
In the short term, the Pritikin diet can irritate the intestine due to the high amount of fiber ingested. This negative effect generally decreases over time.

As with any other diet, there is a risk of food shortages, so you need to seek advice from your doctor.

See all diets

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