Grapes make you fat: it's not true and we explain why

Grape is a fruit rich in vitamins, minerals and sugars. Precisely because it is very sweet it has long been considered a food that makes you fat, however the benefits it brings to our health are far superior to the (however few) calories it contains.Let's see together its nutritional table, how much to eat and when.

If you want to know the other foods that must never be missing on the table, don't miss the video!

Because grapes do not make you fat

Grape is a fruit that appears on our tables between the end of summer and the beginning of autumn and is a staple of the Mediterranean diet that has been cultivated in Italy for millennia. It contains important nutrients such as mineral salts and vitamins (which protect our cardiovascular and gastrointestinal systems), however, being also a very sweet fruit, it has long been considered an enemy of the diet. This is not the case, in fact grapes contain 65 calories per 100 grams, a quantity, therefore, quite modest when compared to other foods.

The grape also contains a lot of water, even almost 70% -80% of its composition. This means that this fruit is a powerful ally of our health because it purifies the body, counteracts water retention and, given the considerable quantity of fiber it contains, it helps to feel less hunger between meals.
Grapes therefore have a high satiating power, which makes them a valuable aid when following a diet: if eaten in the right quantities (that is, without exceeding), it helps to lose weight without effort.

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The benefits of grapes for our body

Eating grapes gives our body many benefits because this fruit is very rich in nutrients and moisturizers. Here are its main properties:

  • Grapes have a high satiating power

Grape berries contain a lot of fibers, which help reduce the sense of hunger. They are also rich in resveratrol, a substance with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that helps to keep blood fat levels under control.

  • It is purifying

Grapes have an immediate detox effect on our body because it helps to dispose of excess fluids.

  • It is rich in nutrients

The berries of this fruit provide a good amount of vitamins B1, B2, B6, A and C, as well as minerals such as magnesium, iron, calcium, copper, potassium and zinc. This is why grapes are highly recommended for all athletes and for those who want to keep fit. The B vitamins, in particular, are very useful for counteracting states of psycho-physical fatigue, in fact the grapes are perfect for facing the change. in season from summer to autumn with the right charge.

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  • Reduces high cholesterol

Grapes, being a good source of vitamin C, magnesium and quercetin, are an ally of the correct functioning of blood circulation because it counteracts the formation of the so-called bad cholesterol, in favor of the good, ie HDL.

  • It has an anti-aging effect and prevents aging

Grapes are rich in polyphenols (contained within the berries) with an antioxidant action such as resveratrol. It fights the harmful action of free radicals and protects our body from oxidative stress which is the main cause of aging. Furthermore, the vitamin C it contains promotes the production of collagen, useful for restoring skin tone and fighting cellulite. .

  • Fights constipation

Grapes contain potassium and polyphenols which are effective in fighting constipation. In addition, the seeds and peel are useful for those suffering from dyspepsia and indigestion.

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How many grapes can we eat?

The grape is a fruit that should not be consumed in exaggerated quantities because it still brings a fair amount of sugar. A portion of 100-200 grams (corresponding to about a small cluster) is ideal to eat both at the end of a meal and as a snack. mid-afternoon. Its clusters can also be included in the diet every day, as long as the sugars present in other foods are kept at bay during the day. Those suffering from hyperglycemia, hypertriglyceridemia or type 2 diabetes, in particular, should limit the intake of this fruit and not exceed the quantities.

The speech is a bit different, however, for raisins. Raisins (or raisins) are much richer in sugars because they are a dehydrated product, therefore they are extremely more caloric than fresh grapes. Raisins contain about 300 calories per 100 grams, a big difference compared to the 60 of the bunches.

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When to eat grapes

The bunches of grapes can be eaten both at the end of a meal and in the middle of the morning or mid-afternoon as a snack to break hunger. Even for breakfast, however, eating a few berries in yogurt or in a smoothie is very good for the body. Grapes provide a good amount of simple sugars but are easily digestible, so they are excellent if eaten before physical activity. The berries can be combined with many foods, from desserts to salads to protein smoothies and dried fruit, the important thing is not to overdo the quantities.
As for the variety to be preferred, all are excellent for the organism: white, black, yellow, pink, seedless grapes, ... The alternatives are many and the only thing that matters in this chance is personal taste.

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