The spermiogram

For men, the examination consists of a spermiogram. However, it is preferable to perform more than one analysis because precise conclusions cannot be drawn with the results of a single spermiogram.

What is the spermiogram for?

The spermiogram is a test that allows you to evaluate male fertility by analyzing sperm. The spermiogram accurately detects certain parameters such as the number, size and shape of spermatozoa, their motility, the volume of the ejaculate and the dosage of some substances present in it.

How is the spermiogram carried out?

Men are often skeptical of the idea of ​​collecting a sperm sample to do a spermiogram. The patient has to masturbate in an isolated room of the analysis laboratory and collect the sperm in a sterilized container that is provided to him by the doctors. To make the task easier, you can be accompanied by your partner since the hospital itself is not a very erotic place!

The spermiogram must be preceded by three days of sexual abstinence. In any case, you can reassure your partner: the exam is perhaps a little embarrassing, but it is neither painful nor demanding.

What is measured with the spermiogram?

- the volume of the ejaculate

- the number of spermatozoa in one milliliter

- the motility and vitality of spermatozoa

- the PH and viscosity of the sperm

- the presence of agglutinates and white blood cells in the sperm

Normal or abnormal semen?

A "normal" sperm is richer in spermatozoa, which are also faster and more lively than those of "abnormal" sperm. The presence of blood, leukocytes or agglutinates is also a symptom of an altered sperm.

The Hühner test (post-coital test)

This test allows you to study the number and behavior of spermatozoa inside the vagina between 8 and 12 hours following sexual intercourse. In addition to the sperm, this examination also allows you to examine the consistency of the vaginal mucus during ovulation.

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