The second part of "The brilliant friend" is back on TV: all the previews

One of the most popular Italian TV series abroad is about to start again. The second season of "L" Amica Geniale "entitled" History of the new surname "will be broadcast on Raiuno from 10 February and we can't wait!
And if you love female TV series, here are our favorites:

Elena Greco and Lila Cerullo, best friends and worst enemies and sixty "years of their lives narrated by the wise pen of the mysterious writer Elena Ferrante, one of the most loved authors of our time.
The first series, directed by Saverio Costanzo (director also in this second part) was a real global success.
In the USA they have defined this phenomenon "Ferrante Fever" or the fever of Ferrante, especially after the launch of the "latest best seller signed by the author, entitled" The lying life of adults "

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The story of the two girls, played by Margherita Mazzucco and Gaia Girace, will pick up where we left off: Elena (Lenù) has moved to Pisa to attend university, while Lila, bound in marriage without love, pours out her dreams in the opening of a shoe shop that is always close by, despite the kilometers that separate them.
The season finale is scheduled for March 2, when the series will reveal whether it will follow the story of the book, continuing for two more chapters or if it will take a more cinematic twist.

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