Ilaria d'Amico: "Making the sense of justice and equality germinate in young people is fundamental for a more equitable and just society"

What does it mean for you to be an Oxfam ambassador?

For me it is first of all a source of great pride to have been chosen as Oxfam testimonial. I know the network of people who deal with Oxfam in Italy and in the world and I have been able to directly verify the transparency and seriousness of the projects they support through concrete and easy-to-implement intentions and objectives that have as their primary purpose the fight against inequality and poverty. I can only feel honored to support causes like these, especially when women are at the center.

For those unfamiliar with it: can you tell us more about Oxfam?

Oxfam is a humanitarian organization that works to find lasting solutions to the injustice of poverty around the world. For over 30 years it has been engaged in many regions of the world, to improve the living conditions of local populations, giving them the power and resources to exercise their rights and build a better future, guaranteeing them food, water, income, access to health and education. Oxfam works through development programs, emergency interventions, opinion campaigns and educational activities to achieve a future where everyone, everywhere, has enough food, at all times.

Tell us about the "A plant against hunger" project

It is a question of raising funds through the sale of plants - the symbol of life par excellence - in an attempt to put back into circulation in the southern hemisphere an economy that puts women, the true heart of the family, at the center. The meaning of the project is precisely this: not to help people in need by giving them limited economic aid, but to use the funds raised to act at a more global level that intervenes on the model of society, to build a sustainable economy that works in favor of emancipation and freedom and fight against hunger and poverty.

You have a small child: do you believe that the younger generations are sensitive to the issue or do you think that greater awareness is needed on issues of this type?

I believe that the new generations are more culturally open and therefore more permeable to issues such as gender equality and social equality. But there is no doubt that we must act right from the start with an information culture that raises awareness on these issues. Making the sense of justice and equality germinate precisely in the purest and youngest minds can only be a fundamental step in building a more equitable and just society.

What prompted you to support this cause rather than others?

I choose people, their strength, transparency and honesty. When I decide to support a cause it is because I am firmly convinced of its seriousness: it is precisely the determination, energy and transparency of the people behind it that push me to give my support. If you believe in a project and have confidence in the network of people who lead it, you can only feel honored in offering your support. Of course, then I have more at heart causes that put women and children at the center, but the key aspect is to have trust and to know the reality that you are going to help.

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