Artificial milk

Cow's milk
Branded infant formula is sold in the supermarket. It meets strict standards and contains modified cow's milk to get as close as possible to human milk. From a nutritional point of view, there is not a big difference between the different brands of industrial milk.
Industrial infant milk contains the most digestible whey protein for the baby.

There is also a type of milk intended for "gluttonous children", richer in casein, which congeals in the stomach and satisfies longer. This milk, however, tends to constipate the baby. As a result, unless your doctor recommends it, you may want to opt for classic milk and feed your baby more often if he is hungry.

There are special milks in the pharmacy, suitable for some problems that arise with formula milk: colic, regurgitation, allergies ... In any case, talk to your doctor who will adapt the milk to your baby's needs.

See also

Growth milk: 5 answers to the questions that all mothers ask themselves

Breast milk: how to increase production and how to store it?

What milk should you give to babies after the year? Tips for finding out more

If your baby is fine, you can opt for an organic adapted milk that will be of superior quality and free from pesticides.

Soy milk
It can be advised by the doctor in case of allergy to cow's milk. Some children, however, may also be allergic to soy milk: in this case it will be necessary to prescribe an alternative hypoallergenic milk.

Goat's and sheep's milk allergy, it is advisable to immediately contact a pediatrician or an allergist, before changing the diet.
Since goat's and cow's milk contain similar proteins, today the use of goat's or sheep's milk is no longer recommended for children who suffer from cow's milk allergies. In any case, in the event of

Most brands offer milk specially designed for the weaning period, with proteins comparable to those of mother's milk.

From adapted milk to follow-on milk
If your baby has been fed formula milk only, at around six months, when other foods are added to his diet, you will need to switch from adapted milk to follow-on milk, which he will continue to take until his first birthday. After the first year, if you have a varied and balanced diet, you can switch to long-life semi-skimmed milk, growth milk (rich in iron, vitamin D and essential fatty acids) or calcium-enriched soy milk, for an amount of about half a liter per day.

See also:
Breast milk
Video / How to choose between breast milk or formula
In breast milk anti-HIV protein
16 benefits of breastfeeding: that's why breastfeeding is good for mom and baby
Weaning: suggestions and rules for an ad hoc menu

Tags:  Parenthood Actuality Old-Test - Psyche