The different types of mediums

First of all, what is a medium?
Medium means in the middle. The medium is therefore a person in the balance between two worlds, that of heaven and that of earth, the material and the spiritual, that of the living and that of the dead. He communicates with spiritual entities, guides who put him on a path of generosity, elevation, perfection.
If this does not happen and is put on the path of evil, the medium is in contact with entities called black that he must evacuate from his spirit by taking a break in his activity.
Usually, the medium is strong enough, and therefore lucid and attentive, aimed exclusively at the good he can give to others, and manages to avoid this type of negative manifestation.

Being a medium does not give any power, the medium is a man or a woman like all of us. His natural empathy, his sensitivity and his great psychic strength allow him to see what others do not see or hear what others do not hear. The medium is the one who leaves free will to his interlocutor, is present to say what the Entities transmit to him, not to give advice, he is only an intermediary.

The medium captures the energetic fluid of others, practices his art without any kind of material support such as cards, pendulums, tarot cards, etc ... He can go into a trance for a few minutes and describe things, past or future events. It can also transcribe messages from the afterlife intended for a particular person.

The clairvoyant
He is a medium but with specific gifts of clairvoyance, he distinctly sees situations from the past, present or future. It works like the unconscious, which does not distinguish between the various temporal moments. The medium sees places, scenes, situations and his intuition is strong. The big problem is time because, for him, what he sees at the moment can come true as soon as after a year.

The clairvoyant
Instead of seeing, the clairvoyant hears, distinctly hears names, of person or place, receives clear and precise messages, which he often cannot interpret but which he must transcribe faithfully for the one who consults him.

The seer
It is at the same time clairvoyant and clairvoyant: it sees, perceives, hears, feels, gets completely in tune with the client. He goes to recover in the unconscious of the person who consults him the most important facts of his life, of those around him, he must feel the client's current situation in a distinct and clear way: this is the first criterion for identifying a good seer.
The seer often uses symbolic supports that help him to sharpen his sixth sense and for this reason it is difficult to understand the temporal variant. What he sees is the main fact, the most important stages in the customer's life, and the mission that this must accomplish. For him, everything takes place at an accelerated speed, how long will it take for the person concerned to carry out his mission? Mystery...

The mediums and death
A medium never talks about death, because no one can say when and how we will die. Death is, like birth, one of the mysteries of life and cannot be announced.
Spiritualists are mediums who devote themselves to communication with the spirits of the dead. They often take their cue from a photo or an object that belonged to the deceased. Turning tables upside down is one of the specialties of spiritualists, but this can be dangerous and should not be taken lightly. The world of the dead is not our world.

Better be wary of sorcerer's apprentices who handle dangerous tools such as spiritism and clairvoyance: mediums must be at peace with themselves, only intent on good and deeply disinterested. Whoever asks you for astronomical sums is not a seer or a medium, he is a scammer.

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