Famous phrases about work, commitment and teamwork

Finding a good job has always been one of the main objectives of man. Working does not simply mean earning a salary or supporting a family, but it is a way to fulfill oneself and to feel useful in the world. Thanks to a decent job, one feels more appreciated and satisfied, and in fact you are better people. So it is essential to prepare excellently for job interviews; see how in the video below!

Phrases about work that gratifies the man

The party that celebrates work and its sacrifices falls on May 1st and pays homage to all those people who have had accidents in the workplace or who get up every day to give the best of themselves to the world. Thanks workers and workers!
But why in addition to the obvious aspects of maintenance and personal gratification, we are always looking for a job that satisfies us and that makes life better?
Simply because it helps to have a purpose in the world: work ennobles man, gives dignity to his existence and makes him feel more included in the society in which he lives.
Today we offer you several phrases about work that can be fantastic stimuli to get busy when the day never seems to pass: aphorisms about the work you love, phrases about commitment, motivational phrases about teamwork, ironic jokes about different jobs, work quotes that give the office and even poems about work. Last but not least, you will also find the best phrases to wish you good work.

Italy is a democratic republic, founded on work. Sovereignty belongs to the people, who exercise it in the forms and within the limits of the Constitution.
(Article 1 of the Italian Constitution)

I believe in the Italian people. They are a generous, hard-working people, they ask only for work, a home and to be able to take care of the health of their loved ones.
He does not therefore ask for heaven on earth. He asks what every people should have.
(Sandro Pertini)

Life has two precious gifts: beauty and truth. I found the first in the heart of those who love and the second in the hand of those who work.
(Khalil Gibran)

I like work, it completely fascinates me; I could sit for hours and hours watching someone work.
(Jerome Klapka Jerome)

Work should be a great joy and it is still torment for many, the torment of not having it, the torment of doing work that does not serve, does not serve a noble purpose.
(Adriano Olivetti)

To make a man happy, fill his hands with work, his heart with affection, his mind with purpose, his memory with useful knowledge, his future with hope, and his stomach with food.
(Frederick E. Crane)

A man is not lazy if he is absorbed in his own thoughts; there is a visible and an invisible work.
(Victor Hugo)

I don't like work, nobody likes it, but I like what there is in work: the possibility of finding yourself.
(Joseph Conrad)

phrases about work: to understand how much gratification the man

The opportunity, sooner or later, presents itself to all those who work and express wishes
(Edward Smith-Stanley XIV Earl of Derby)

Work takes away from us three great evils: boredom, vice and need.

The artist is nothing without talent, but talent is nothing without work.
(Émile Zola)

And when I say "work" I do not think of a fatigue, a torture that one must endure from morning to evening to become independent from an economic point of view, but of an opportunity that God has offered us to give more meaning to our existence. Remember what I tell you: one thing is "to do" the tobacconist, and one thing is "to be" tobacconist
(Luciano de Crescenzo)

Work ennobles man.
(Charles Darwin)

You have to work and dare if you really want to live.
(Vincent van Gogh)

The opposite of "play" is not "work". It is "depression".
(Brian Sutton-Smith)

People who have no time are despised. People who have no work should be pitied. But the men who don't have time to work, those are to be envied.
(Karl Kraus)

Work is essential for dignity.
(Pope francesco)

I have always been very clear that I had to work, because there is no self-respecting feminism that is not based on economic independence.
(Isabel Allende)

The man who is ashamed of his work cannot have respect for himself.
(Bertrand Russell)

Happiness does not come from owning a large number of things, but derives from the pride of the work one does; poverty can be overcome with a constructive system and it is of fundamental importance to fight injustice even at the cost of one's life.

Work is not shame; it is idleness, shame; if you work, those who are out of work will soon envy you while you get rich; because those who are rich have success and well-being.

The fruit of labor is the sweetest of pleasures.
(Luc De Clapiers De Vauvenargues)

Act as if your actions could make a difference. They do it.
(William James)

Innovation and intuition flourish when our minds are in a condition of greater openness.
(Daniel Goleman)

A person who feels appreciated will always do more than is expected.

The greatness of work is within man.
(Pope John Paul II)

Work is life, and without that there is only fear and insecurity.
(John Lennon)

phrases about work: Emile Zola

Aphorisms about the work you love

Pick a job you love, and you won't have to work a day in your life.

The only way to do a great job is to love what you do. If you have not yet found what is right for you, keep looking, do not stop, as happens with matters of the heart, you will know you have found it as soon as you have it in front of you. And, like great love stories, it will get better and better over the years. So keep looking until you find it. Don't be satisfied.
(Steve Jobs)

Work like you don't need the money. Love as if you have never suffered. Dance like no one is watching you.
(Satchel Paige)

We can live a wonderful life in the world if we know how to work and love, work for those we love and love what we work for.
(Lev Tolstoy)

You have to love what you do to want to do it every day.

Man has arrived when he does what he would do for free for a living.
(George Bernard Shaw)

The best of living is in a job you enjoy and in a happy love.
(Umberto Saba)

The three essential elements for happiness: something to do, something to love, something to hope for.
(Joseph Addison)

Happy is he who has found his job; do not ask for more happiness.
(Thomas Carlyle)

The work of the body frees from the pains of the spirit and makes the poor happy.
(François de La Rochefoucauld)

The secret to success in life is to make your vocation your entertainment.
(Mark Twain)

The more I like doing something, the less I call it work.
(Richard Bach)

The biggest waste in the world is the difference between who we are and what we could become.
(Ben Herbster)

The woman who can invent her own work is the woman who will get fame and fortune.
(Amelia Earhart)

Working without love is slavery.
(Mother Teresa of Calcutta)

I have never worked a day in my life. I've always enjoyed myself.
(Thomas Edison)

In twenty years you will not be disappointed by the things you have done but by those you have not done. So lift anchor, leave safe havens, catch the wind in your sails. Explore. Dream. Find out.
(Mark Twain)

Watching the wheat that grows and the flowers that bloom, sweating with a plow or spade, reading, thinking, loving, hoping, praying: these are the things that make us happy.
(John Ruskin)

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
(Eleanor Roosvelt)

After all, work is still the best way to get through life.
(Gustave Flaubert)

If we exclude prodigious and individual moments that fate can give us, loving one's work (which unfortunately is the privilege of a few) is the best approximation to happiness on earth. But this is a truth that not many know.
(Primo Levi)

phrases about work: Thomas Edison

Famous quotes on commitment, to work to the maximum

I have done many jobs and I have learned this: you happen to do that thing there, do it well. Something will come out of it.
(Gianni Rodari)

We can live a wonderful life in the world if we know how to work and love, work for those we love and love what we work for.
(Lev Tolstoy)

Earnestly seek to find out what you are called to do, and then start doing it passionately.
However, always be the best of whatever you are.
(Martin Luther King)

Pray as if everything depended on God. Work as if everything depended on you.
(Saint "Ignatius of Loyola)

Have you ever tried? Have you ever failed? It does not matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
(Samuel Beckett)

We always tell ourselves that we will not make it. But how willing are we to commit ourselves to make it? The big mistake consists in wanting to anticipate the result of the commitment; you shouldn't worry about how it will end, just let nature take its course, and your tools will strike at the right moment.
(Bruce Lee)

Continuous effort - not strength or intelligence - is the key to unlocking our potential.
(Wiston Churchill)

The best things are achieved only with the utmost commitment.

The beginning is the most important part of the job.

Whenever you are asked if you can do a job, answer: Sure I can! Then get busy and find out how to do it.
(Teddy Roosevelt)

Nothing begins without ambition. Without work, nothing is done. The prize will not be delivered to you. You have to earn it.
(Ralph Waldo Emerson)

You have to work and dare if you really want to live.
(Vincent van Gogh)

Laziness may seem attractive, but it's the work that gives you the satisfaction.
(Anne Frank)

If you can do things well, try to do them better. Be bold, be first, be different, be fair.
(Anita Roddick)

Never surrender. Usually it is the last key in the bunch that opens the door
(Paulo Coelho)

The biggest risk is not taking any risks.
(Mark Zuckerberg)

To be prepared tomorrow, you need to do your best today.
(H. Jackson Brown Jr.)

Those who will be successful in the twenty-first century will not be those who can read and write but those who can unlearn what they already know in order to learn it again and again.
(Alvin Toffler)

Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.
(Theodore Roosevelt)

There is always a way to do it better. Find it.
(Thomas Edison)

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Never give up, because when you think it's all over, that's when it all begins.
(Jim Morrison)

All things are difficult before they become easy.
(John Norley)

It is up to us to be one way rather than another. Our body is a garden, the will the gardener. You can plant nettle or sow lettuce, put hyssop and eradicate thyme, grow a single quality of grass or various qualities, leave the soil sterile due to laziness or fertilize it with work. Power and authority depend on us.
(William Shakespeare)

The only sure way to achieve success is to do better and more than what is expected of you, regardless of the task you have been assigned.
(Og Mandino)

There are two fundamental choices to make in life: accept the pre-existing conditions or accept the responsibility to change them.
(Denis Waitley)

The best person to do a job is the one who does it without passing the hot potato on to others and without coming back with an apology.
(Napoleon Hill)

I believe in hard work, in training, in throwing yourself into something you have a passion for. I believe in the idea that if you work hard you can conquer it all.
(Oscar Pistorius)

I believe a lot in luck, and I find that the harder I work, the more luck I have.
(Thomas Jefferson)

Genius is 1% talent and 99% hard work.
(Albert Einstein)

All growth depends on activity. There is no physical or mental development without effort, and effort means work.
(Calvin Coolidge)

Great works are not accomplished with force, but with perseverance.
(Samuel Johnson)

Don't stop when you're tired, stop when you're done.
(Marilyn Monroe)

Read, study, and always work with ethics and passion; think with your head and learn to say no; be rebellious for just cause, defend nature and the weakest; do not be conformists and do not follow the victor's chariot; be strong and be free, otherwise when you are old and weak you will regret the mountains you have not climbed and the battles you have not fought.
(Mario Rigoni Stern)

If one spent the whole year on vacation, having fun would be as boring as working.
(William Shakespeare)

The energetic man, the successful man, is the one who succeeds, by labor force, in transforming his fantasies of desire into reality.
(Sigmund Freud)

phrases about work: John Norley

The most beautiful motivational quotes about teamwork

Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success
(Henry Ford)

A snowflake is one of God's most fragile creations, but look what the snowflakes can do when they stick together!

If the ants agree, they can move an elephant.
(Burkina Faso proverb)

Teamwork divides tasks and multiplies success

Cooperation is based on the profound belief that no one can reach the goal if everyone does not reach it
(Virginia Burden)

The great thing about teamwork is that you always have someone on your side.
(Margaret Carty)

Talent wins games, but intelligence and teamwork wins championships.
(Michael Jordan)

Peace is not the work of one man, of a party, of a nation. There is no peace of large or small nations, peace is the fruit of cooperation from all over the world.
(Barack Obama)

Mental strength is part of the character, it cannot be studied at a desk. You are strong in your head if you can stay calm and have fun even when things are not going well, and if you can never lose confidence in yourself and in teamwork.
(Valentino Rossi)

Nobody can whistle a symphony. It takes an entire orchestra to reproduce it.
(HE Luccock)

Light is the opar if it is shared by many.

Treat others well, treat them as equals, and involve them in teamwork. There is only one fundamental system for creating a job in the name of dignity: humanizing the organization.
(Dale Carnegie)

No man is an island, complete in himself; each man is a piece of the continent, a part of the whole.
(John Donne)

It takes two flints to start a fire.
(Louisa May Alcott)

Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.
(Helen Keller)

Only when everyone contributes their firewood is it possible to create a great fire.

Either we will win as a group or we will be annihilated each as a single individual.
(From the movie Every cursed Sunday)

Remember that the most valid way to make a career is to help the man in front of you to be promoted.

Things are united by invisible bonds: you cannot pick a flower without disturbing a star.
(Galileo Galilei)

What is not useful to the swarm is not useful to the bee either.
(Marcus Aurelius)

When building a team, always look for those who love to win.
If you can't find them, then look for the ones who hate to lose.
(Ross Perot)

Show confidence in your men and they will make sure they deserve it; treat them as serious professionals, and they will do anything not to disappoint you.
(Ralph Waldo Emerson)

Competition leads to defeat. People who pull the rope in opposite directions get tired and get nowhere.
(Deming William Edwards)

phrases about work: Henry Ford

Ironic words about work and rest

The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary.
(Vince Lombardi)

My grandfather once told me that there are two types of people: those who do the work and those who take credit.
He told me to try to be in the first group; there will always be much less competition
(Indira Gandhi)

Italy is a republic founded on the search for work!
(Maurizio Crozza)

But when you are at work do you never want to disconnect?
-Do you mean someone's head?

One aspires to have a job, to have the right to rest.
(Cesare Pavese)

-What is your dream job?
-I don't work in my dreams!
No matter how much you like your job, you will enjoy the weekend more and more!

You have to work, if not for pleasure, at least for desperation. In fact, all in all, working is less boring than having fun.
(Charles Baudelaire)

Work haunts me but I'm faster
I dream of going to a job interview and throw everyone off by starting with a "I'll let you know", leaving!
A society founded on work only dreams of rest.
(Leo Longanesi)

What is the hardest job to do in the world? To think.
(Ralph Waldo Emerson)

You are born, you grow up, you study. You can't find work because you have no experience. You have no experience because you have not worked. You do not understand. You get depressed. Die

If you don't want to work, you have to work to earn enough money to allow yourself not to work.
(Samuel Butler)

I finished my 20 year probationary period and got fired. They say they are looking for younger people.
(Raramolecule. Twitter)

When a man tells you he got rich through hard work, ask him, "whose?"
(Don Marquis)

The purpose of the job is to earn free time.

We are all apprentices in a profession where you never become masters.
(Ernest Hemingway)

Work is no more respectable than alcohol, and it serves exactly the same purpose: it simply distracts the mind.
(Aldous Huxley)

Get hold of your job, or he'll hold you up.
(Benjamin Franklin)

By working hard eight hours a day you could become the boss and work twelve hours a day.
(Robert Frost)

In the name of God, stop a moment, stop working, look around you.
(Lev Tolstoy)

Why must I work zealously to produce a lot, if those who produce less than me, through real incapacity or laziness, participate exactly like me in the enjoyment of goods? Isn't it better to take things more calmly, to rest often and for a long time?
(Federico De Roberto)

Career is a wonderful thing, but you can't hug it at night when it's cold.
(Marilyn Monroe)

phrases about work: Maurizio Crozza

Phrases to use to thank a colleague

After so many hours spent together it is more than legitimate to express gratitude towards your work colleagues, who support us and spend what we go through! Here is a short selection of the most beautiful phrases to use when you want to thank a desk mate, for the goals achieved or for the work done together.

Dear colleagues, thank you for helping me when I needed it, thank you for your trust and for allowing me to be part of this great team.

More than colleagues we are like brothers, sometimes we complain and other times we have fun. But we have always achieved our goal by working together. And that's what it's all about, supporting each other to reach the final goal.

Unity is strength. By your side I feel much stronger. Thanks mate.

There is no one like you, and I say it sincerely. You are an exceptional collaborator. Thanks for everything you do for me!

I am fortunate to be able to work with responsible people like you. Thank you very much for being serious professionals and I hope we will always continue to be an excellent team.

In all of my professional experience, this is the first time I have met colleagues who seek to collaborate as a team, rather than compete individually. You're unique!

Surely this office will never be the same without your presence and that is why we will miss you so much.

You can design, create and build the most wonderful place in the world, but it takes people to make the dream come true
(Walt Disney)

You will always have a very special place in our hearts because you have not only been able to be a good collaborator but also a great friend to all of us!

Thanks to all my co-workers for respecting those moments of privacy that are sometimes necessary, but also thanks for being there when I needed to be heard.

Knowing that you have close people with great generosity willing to give everything without asking for anything in return is a great gift of life. Thanks fellow workers.

More than work colleagues, you are extraordinary friends. I sincerely thank you for everything you have done for me. A thousand thanks!

I have never had a colleague like you before, always ready to advise me and always with a big smile on his face. A person worthy of admiration.

Working together with colleagues like you has made me grow as a person and as a professional, I hope to be able to work together again in the future.

phrases about work: how to thank colleagues

Poems about work

I know the colors of the trades:
the bakers are white,
they get up before the birds
and they have flour in their hair;
the chimney sweeps are black,
of seven colors are the painters;
the workshop workers
they have a nice blue overalls,
their hands are dirty with grease:
idlers go for a walk,
they don't get a finger dirty
but their trade is not clean.
(The colors of the professions, Gianni Rodari)

There are those who sow the earth,
there are those who learn war,
who repairs broken cars
and who bakes gnocchi and pasta.
There are those who sell water and wine,
who repairs the sink,
there are those who fish in the stream
and maybe it takes nothing.
There are those who drive the direct train
and who makes the bed at home,
who in the circus does somersaults
and who teaches in schools.
So varied is this life
that the story is never over ...
(Nursery rhyme of trades, Mario Lodi)

The cutter… ciac!
breaks the brass plate.
Tac tac… the press
print a cap.
Zzzzzzz. ., the drill
makes a little hole.
Bum! the man beats on the anvil
his hammer.
Ssssss ... the flame has welded
two pieces together.Grrrrr ... the worker has polished
a finished pump
that his life begins now.
Gradually the warehouse is full
and the packages carry them on the train.
(In the workshop, Mario Lodi)

A plowman then asked: tell us about the work.
And he answered saying: You work to be able to go hand in hand with the earth and its soul. Because lazing around means becoming strangers to the seasons, and leaving the procession of life, which in proud submission advances majestically towards infinity.
When you work you are a flute that in its heart turns the murmur of the hours to music. Who among you would like to be a silent and silent reed when all the others sing together in unison? You have always been told that work is a curse and fatigue a misfortune. But I tell you that when you work you realize a part of the most remote dream on earth, assigned to you when that dream was born, And it is in maintaining yourself with difficulty that you truly love life. And loving life through fatigue means being very close to its deepest secret.
(The work, by Khalil Gibran)

There is no tastier bread for man
of what he gets
with their own physical and intellectual work.
Nor is there good that it cannot
be bought with work,
nor satisfaction that it cannot
be given by work
(The work, Samuel Smiles)

phrases about work: poems for adults and children

The terms to use to wish 'good luck!'

You have to love what you do to want to do it every day. Have a good day at work! We all know that you are a hard worker ... so I can only wish you good work and I recommend you sleep less in front of the computer.

We all know how much you love to work, but above all how much you like to laze around. In any case, good work my friend. Come on, don't pretend you're too busy with work. We all know that you pretend great… Good job if you can say so.

Your work day will undoubtedly be less tiring if you think that there is someone at home waiting for you and protecting you. Good job my life. Our days are full of commitments but I can't help but find a moment to dedicate to you. I love you my love and I wish you good work. There can be no time of day when you don't think about yourself. Good work and remember that they are always there for you. Work hurts, so grab it all and run while you're on time. Good job!

Good morning.
Even today we try to write our day in the best possible way ...
Good job everyone.

If the flu has knocked you out, wait until you get back to the office and see the backlog.
Good job!

Congratulations on an important new assignment. Good job!

Life is full of formidable adventures and you are on the verge of starting a new one. Good job!

Congratulations on your new job and best of luck on this new adventure. Your ability combined with the vast expertise and commitment you have always had will bear great fruit.
good job

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you imagined. I wish you good work and a wonderful day.

See it from the good side: Mondays only come once a week… Have a nice day and good work!

No working day is so hard if you have someone waiting for you when you return.
Good job love.

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