#FreeTheNipple: Facebook allows posting of photos with breastfeeding women

After numerous accusations of censorship, Facebook finally decided to change the rules on posting nude photos and lifted the ban on posting images of women while breastfeeding.

Under the question: "Facebook that allows the publication of photos of mothers who are breastfeeding", it is now written: "Yes, we recognize the beauty and naturalness of breastfeeding. We are happy to know that it is important for mothers to share these kinds of experiences with others on Facebook. "

A decision that comes after several campaigns against censorship on social networks on the theme of nudity. Surely the movement that has had the greatest impact is #FreeTheNipple (in Italian “Liberate i nippoli”). Even Miley Cyrus and Scout Willis, daughter of Bruce Willis and Demi Moore, have decided to support the campaign. The mobilization has managed to reach the top floors of Facebook and make him reconsider some conditions of publication. The first to break the news of the change within the Facebook regulation was the blogger Soraya Chemaly, a feminist activist, only to be re-launched by all the main media.

A small step forward

To test Facebook's new restriction policy, blogger Paala Secor, who actively advocates for breastfeeding, posted pictures of her and other breastfeeding women, in which the nipples are clearly visible. Huffington Post UK, said: "When I learned that Facebook would review restrictions on breastfeeding photos, I decided to share one of the photos I took with my son that I hadn't shared yet because I didn't. I wanted to be banned from Facebook for nipple in the air. " There is still some problem with Facebook's new policy, in fact, Paala's photo was first removed and then republished.

See also

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© Facebook Paa.la Photos of nursing women authorized by Facebook

Despite this initiative, although encouraging, breastfeeding in public is a much discussed topic. Other social networks such as Instagram still apply severe restrictions on the publication of this type of images, but it is above all the reactions of users that amaze. An American student posted a photo on twitter while she was breastfeeding her baby after graduation: some users then rated her behavior as "disgusting".

Facebook's new stance is certainly a small win, but there is still a long way to go.

Finally graduated, all my family came through to support. Thank you pic.twitter.com/jK6B44bbFT

- (@KiaraxBlanco) 8 Juin 2014
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