Exercise with theraband: discover the way to train effectively at home

For all those who want to start training, but can't stand the gym, the theraband exercises are a great choice: besides helping to tone and strengthen the muscles, the theraband are very easy to carry around because they are light, flexible tools. and dishes, so there are zero excuses to practice even while on vacation

Originally created for non-impact muscle strengthening exercises suitable for physiotherapy, therabands are simply rubber bands created with various types of elasticity: there are the more resistant ones that give tone to the muscles and the softer ones to help stretch or strengthen muscles. weakened. Apart from the elasticity, it is also possible to find therabands with various shapes such as:

  • simple straps, (like this set of 5 elastic straps with different resistances for sale at 10,95 €) suitable for exercises of the legs, abdominals, etc.
  • in the shape of long bands (like this set of 3 elastic bands of 2.5m in length for € 14.99)
  • or packaged in the shape of rolls (like the original Theraband bands for sale on Amazon) created to set the band according to your needs

If you want to learn more about which are the best theraband exercises and which ones are best suited to your needs, you can buy the book Resistance Bands: Exercises & Home Workouts on Amazon for only € 7 or free in Kindle format!

The advantages of theraband exercises

Theraband exercises offer several advantages:

  • offer resistance in accordance with the strength of your muscles and allow you to use your body weight for exercise making it more toned and stronger
  • they are low impact exercises, ideal for those suffering with knee or back injuries
  • they are made to be created at any time and in any environment, a little space and a place to put the band are enough

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Theraband exercises: everything you need to know

Before starting your theraband workout, it is very important to warm up your muscles with some walking and stretching exercises. Once heated, here are a few things to consider:

  • Although the elastic bands are very sturdy, it is important to always check that your theraband is not damaged before training, because if the band breaks during exercise there is a risk of painful injuries.
  • Pay attention to your breathing: The exercises with the theraband are an extension of physiotherapy, yoga and pilates, so conscious breathing during exercise is very important. So, if you feel any difficulty in breathing, there is no need to suffer: stop for a moment to recover and try to reduce the repetitions or the resistance of the exercise band.
  • For a more effective workout, it is important to keep the band taut at all times so that it provides resistance to movement thus helping to strengthen the muscles.
  • And finally, be very careful where to attach your headband. You have to choose fixed places such as columns, heavy tables or closed door handles.

Theraband exercises for the arms

  • This exercise is suitable for single piston bands or custom bands by the meter
  • Place one foot in the middle of the theraband, the other leg goes back
  • Slightly bend in the knee of the front leg;
  • He holds each end of the band in your hands and arms down in front of your body
  • The band should be slightly taut already in the starting position.
  • Pull the band by folding your arms in front of your chest
  • Hold the tension in the upper arms for a few seconds
  • Lower your arms slowly in a controlled manner
  • Repeat the exercise 12 or 15 times, and then change the position of the leg.

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Theraband exercises for shoulders and back

  • This exercise is suitable for single piston bands or custom bands by the meter
  • Lower your torso slightly in front (keep your abs straight and taut)
  • Place one foot in the middle of the theraband, the other leg goes back
  • He holds each end of the band in your hands and arms down in front of your body
  • The band should be slightly taut already in the starting position.
  • Pull the band towards you with your elbows towards the sky
  • Be careful to keep the whole body quivering and always tense in order to avoid any injury.
  • Repeat the exercise 12 or 15 times, and then change the position of the leg.

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Theraband exercises for the butt

  • This exercise is suitable for strap-shaped therabands
  • Stand upright with your legs open shoulder-width apart.
  • Put both feet inside the strap - the band should be taut at the starting point of the exercise. If you don't find it tight enough, you can shorten it with a knot.
  • Place the band on the ankles
  • Keep your stomach taut and your posture erect. If you have difficulty balancing, you can lean with one hand on a chair or on the wall.
  • Bring one of your legs back tensing your butt muscles and hold the position for a few seconds, returning to the starting position slowly.
  • Warning: do not put your foot down completely. Once the leg is back, pull the elastic back up.
  • Repeat the action for 12 or 15 times and then change the leg.

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See other exercises to do with the theraband at home

Find the right theraband for you

Check out the options available on Amazon

To start your theraband exercises, it is important to select a set of elastic bands with different types of resistance so that you can start the exercises lighter and then start with the firmer bands. Their elasticity vary according to the manufacturer. Usually the lighter therabands are the ones that offer less resistance and the darker ones like blue or black are the ones that require more muscle strength.

The intention is to use them constantly (3 times or more per week). Watch your performance during the exercises: if the reps seem pretty light, maybe you should use a stiffer band and decrease the reps.

Here is our list with the most interesting therabands we found on Amazon:

Theraband set of 4 suitable for Belus girls

  • Set of 4 bands + 2 digital exercise books suitable for women
  • suitable for muscle training, yoga, pilates, crossfit and rehabilitation and fitness in general.
  • Variants: 0,4 mm (2-5 Kg), 0,6 mm (7-7 Kg), 0,8 mm (7-9 Kg), 1 mm (9-11 Kg).
  • Each band is 25cm long and 5cm wide.
  • You can combine them or knot them together to create different levels of resistance
  • Elegant colors, each color is different and goes in accord with the resistance of the bands
  • Eco-friendly: Belus makes its exercise bands with 100% natural latex and they are stronger and more durable. They stretch more and keep their properties intact for longer. They do not contain artificial substances such as thermoplastic elastomers (which have a lower durability and quality).

© Amazon.co.uk Buy on Amazon for € 11.39

Set of 6 theraband Chicmoda

  • 6 elastic therabands 30cm long x 5cm wide.
  • Different levels of elasticity: Extra Light, Light, Medium, Hard, X-Hard and XX-Hard.
  • Made of high quality and ecological latex
  • Suitable for training the legs, buttocks, waist, chest, butt, back, shoulders, arms, etc.
  • perfect tool to make yoga, pilates, stretching, crossfit, etc. exercises more intense.
  • Lifetime warranty: Chicmoda products are insured for the entire useful life of the product!

© Amazon.co.uk Buy on Amazon for € 10.95

Set of 3 theraband Potok

  • Length: 1.2m
  • Width: 15cm
  • 3 resistance levels: yellow (lighter), red (medium) and blue (strong)

© Amazon.co.uk

Buy on Amazon for € 14.99 <

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