Warm-up exercises: a few simple steps to prepare your body for training

Warm-up exercises are a great way to start your workout! Simple, fast but very useful to prepare your body from the legs, arms and abdominals, to sporting or competitive effort. If, on the other hand, your need is to tone up, watch this video and discover the most suitable exercises of yoga practice to reshape the muscles of your body, it's super fun. Good training and good vision! And one, and two, and three!

Warm-up exercises before training in the gym and while you work out

Warming up the muscles is a fundamental phase, which should not be underestimated for the safety of those who exercise.
Those who practice sports, thanks to the warm-up, greatly improve their performance, concentrate on the effort to be made and protect themselves from any injuries. Furthermore, he arrives ready physically, but also psychologically to face a serious workout that involves the muscles of the arms, legs, back, buttocks, in short, of the whole body. The physicist absolutely needs to gradually get used to movement and environmental parameters. Before the actual training it is essential to adapt to the temperature, altitude, humidity, preparing the heart, lungs, joints and muscles for physical activity, practicing basic preparatory exercises, which are increasingly indispensable, especially with the passing of years. Body and mind, through muscle warm-up exercises, prepare themselves to face sports activity in the best possible way.

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Warm Up Exercises: Benefits of Warming Up and How Stars Train

The warm-up exercises are used by the sportsman to work on himself to increase the functionality of the heart and lungs, in view of greater fatigue. The rhythm of the heart accelerates gradually during the warm-up until it is ready for sporting activity.
The increase in body temperature from plus or minus 36 ° to 38 ° - 39 ° improves muscle function and makes the tendons much more elastic. The warm-up, in addition to gradually increasing the heart rate, brings much more blood and oxygen to the muscles, which makes the movements acquire speed and fluency. More synovial fluid nourishes the cartilages of the joints, avoiding frictional damage from lack of lubrication, like in a gear that is not sufficiently oiled. Those who warm up optimally can do sports without suffering from fatigue, with greater results and with less muscle pain than those who start training cold.

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Warm-up exercises: how to do each specific exercise for the legs and arms

When the external temperature is below 12 ° you have to cover the muscles that have to work with suitable clothing to protect them from the cold and warm up in order to raise the temperature of the body, both if you exercise in the gym, both if you do it outdoors. "open. When it is summer, you must not heat in the sun to avoid the risk of heat, fever, sun exposure.You have to drink a lot to avoid dehydration. On the other hand, if it rains, the use of a K-wai helps you not to lose the body heat acquired with the warm-up. If you do the warm-up exercises at dawn, it is better that you prolong them for a longer time. If you run before the warm-up, you will reach a sufficient body temperature first. These warm-up exercises can be done at any age. The important thing is to adjust the duration and intensity of the effort according to the health condition, the habit of training and the age. If you are a little older, it is better to warm up more prolonged, but less intense.

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General and specific warm-up exercises

By general warm-up exercises we mean a physical activity from walking to running, stationary bike or rowing machine, for about ten minutes to raise the body temperature, followed by warm-ups in motion like squats. The specific warm-up, on the other hand, focuses on movements specifically suited to the physical activity to be practiced later, it is based on exercises carried out according to the part of the body with which you want to act with the training and also which sport you want to practice after the preparation. . Muscle warm-up exercises are many and varied; many of them are not tiring, the effort is moderate. However, it must be said that even those of lesser intensity are still essential to improve performance in sports. These warm-up exercises put a gradual effort on the muscles to avoid painful contractures or injuries. A professional warm-up involves the exercise phase on the joints and the aerobic activity phase. The specific warm-up, on the other hand, includes specific movements for the part of the body to be trained and for the sporting activity you want to practice. For example, rotate your neck, open and close your arms, twist your torso left and right, rotate your arms back and forth, rotate your torso in circles, rotate your legs, step jacks, and right and left side kicks. By doing the more intense exercises, you will initially begin to sweat and get out of breath. But it's all a matter of habit and commitment. You can do straight-legged torso pushups, hip rotations, sit-ups, back belly exercises, both arm rotations, forearm rotations, wrist rotations. Dynamic warm-up also includes various exercises. A warm-up before a run includes a soft jog, and warm-up of the quadriceps, hamstrings, pectorals, buttocks and calves. The well-known exercise of the chair, the ascent of the stairs, the standing push-ups have the effect of warming up and giving tone and vigor to the quadriceps, calves and hamstrings. We have cardio exercises (jumping jacks) for warming up legs and buttocks (squats), warming up arms: (French press) - warming up arms and chest (chest press). As a rotation it is good to start with the hands, fingers and knuckles, then wrists and elbows, shoulders and neck, pelvis and hips, legs, knees, ankles and feet. About 5 minutes should be enough for the aerobic warm-up phase, which includes jogging, rope jumping, and other activities that raise your heart rate. .
The muscle fibers must be well elasticized by the warm-up, otherwise they cannot be stretched and strained with maximum safety. Muscle warming is able to activate them, stimulates blood circulation and relaxes the mind.

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