Groin pain in pregnancy: you can cure and prevent it

About one in ten women suffer from groin pain during pregnancy, but there are many reasons why groin pain occurs. It is usually a transient condition that goes away on its own right after giving birth. There are a few things you can do though. to alleviate the discomfort and above all to prevent pain Before talking about it, we recommend this video with the things not to do during pregnancy.

Groin pain in pregnancy: what is it?

Groin pain can also radiate to the thighs and back and can make it difficult to carry out daily gestures such as climbing stairs, putting on socks or pants, walking, tossing and turning in bed. also affect pregnant women.

Pubalgia is an inflammation that affects certain muscles and joints of the pelvis; in pregnant women it mainly affects the adductor muscle of the thigh. The characteristic symptom is pain in the groin, which sometimes also radiates towards the inside of the thigh or towards the lumbar area of ​​the back.

It is a pain that is especially acute when walking or climbing stairs, when sitting for too long or trying to stand on one leg (eg while dressing). Other typical situations in which groin pain appears are: when you spread your legs, for example to get out of the car, or when you roll over in bed. In some cases there may also be pain during sexual intercourse or in general to the perineum area.

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What does pain in the groin in pregnancy depend on?

All those who do a lot of sport, professional athletes for example, are often subject to groin pain due in this case to a super stress on the tendons, the structures through which the muscles are inserted into the joints. In the case of a pregnant woman, the reasons for pain in the groin are very different and have to do with the changes that occur in the body due to pregnancy.

The uterus increases in volume and stresses the muscles, furthermore the development of the fetus increases the body weight of the mother which must therefore be supported by the whole body, primarily by the muscles. On the other hand, there are hormonal changes to be considered. which lead to greater relaxation of muscles, tendons and ligaments.This relaxation will help during childbirth, but it means that the joints in the pelvis are in a less balanced position than usual, which can lead to inflammation and therefore pain.

As we have seen, therefore, pain in the groin during pregnancy depends primarily on the increase in the size of the uterus which "rests" on the muscles and must be supported. It follows pain, which can increase as pregnancy progresses. position of the child can affect the risk of groin pain.

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How to relieve the symptoms of groin pain in pregnancy

There is a way to prevent groin pain in pregnancy, for example some precautions can prevent the situation from worsening.

  • avoid lifting weights
  • prefer the elevator to the stairs
  • if you already have a small child, hold it in your arms resting on one hip
  • sitting for too long
  • stand cross-legged or crossed

If groin pain has already occurred, here's what to do to relieve the pain:

  • get enough rest without being too sedentary
  • often change position, trying not to sit more than 30 minutes in a row
  • dressing and undressing while sitting
  • when standing, be careful to distribute your weight equally between the two legs
  • sleep with a pillow between your legs
  • when rolling over in bed, or getting out of the car, try to keep the two legs together and parallel without spreading them apart.

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If the pain persists and is severe, it is best to consult a doctor who will evaluate drug therapy. Although it would be better to avoid taking anti-inflammatories during pregnancy, you can opt for acetaminophen, perhaps for a short treatment course of 7-8 days.

Another useful strategy is to apply ice to the painful part. It acts as a natural vasoconstrictor and anti-inflammatory and you can also use it for small localized massages.

Finally, doing a little moderate physical exercise can help: swimming is one of the most suitable sports during pregnancy, especially because in the water there are less stresses for the joints and muscles and the pain of groin pain is lessened. Stretching also plays a fundamental role, as it works on the elasticity of the muscles that will be less rigid and less subject to pain.

Yoga is another example of an ideal activity to relieve groin pain, but it is better to be followed by expert personnel and not do it yourself to avoid wrong movements.

Visit an osteopath to remedy groin pain

Against the pain of groin good results are obtained with osteopathy. Often, the discomfort does not only concern the pubic bone, but has another origin, for example an incorrect foot support or a back problem. Sometimes behind this pain there is a trauma from the past, such as a bust for scoliosis worn for years during childhood or adolescence. Through the manipulations of the osteopath it is possible to dissolve all the tensions that have accumulated in this area, restoring that plasticity and elasticity to the muscle, especially useful for pregnant women.

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Frequently asked questions about groin pain in pregnancy

Can groin pain and subsequent groin pain in pregnancy be prevented?
If a woman decides to have a child but is scared of pain in the groin, what can she do? To reduce the risk of experiencing groin pain, it is necessary to focus on physical exercise. The more elastic and "trained" the muscles of the pelvis are, the lower the risk that there will be some problems during pregnancy.

Can groin pain persist after delivery?
With the birth of the baby and the end of the strain on the mother's pelvis, the symptoms of groin pain should disappear on their own in a short time. Do not worry then, as you can see the situation after giving birth will return to normal on its own.

Why does groin pain occur in the first trimester of pregnancy?
Groin pain in pregnancy often occurs within the first trimester and in some cases it appears already in the first week of pregnancy when the woman does not yet know she is pregnant. All this is due to the implantation of the ovum and the consequent adaptation of the whole body which from then on will begin to change to accommodate the fetus.

Are pelvic floor and groin pain in pregnancy linked?
The groin pain and the consequent pain in the groin during pregnancy are closely linked as they concern the muscles that make up the pelvic floor (pelvis). All this should not cause concern, but if you want to be reassured you can contact your doctor or gynecologist and report the situation.

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