Diarrhea: what to eat to solve this annoying intestinal problem

Diarrhea can be kept under control by adopting the right diet at the time of the acute phase and in the following days. Even the ideal diet for diarrhea, like any self-respecting diet, requires not a few sacrifices and sacrifices even if many foods are already safely included in your menu such as rice, pasta and lean meats but many others are to be avoided. If you are a type perpetually on a diet ... you know something!

What is meant by diarrhea

By diarrhea we mean an alteration of defecation, consisting of frequent bowel movements (at least 3 times a day) with liquid or semi-solid stools. Diarrhea is very frequent and should not be confused with dysentery which involves painful and frequent discharges with mucus and blood loss, a form of diarrhea in short, much more serious and annoying! No joking with dysentery, you need specific drugs and above all the opinion of your trusted doctor! There are also different types of diarrhea, based on the frequency. If you suffer from diarrhea frequently for short and recurring episodes it is referred to as recurrent diarrhea. If, on the other hand, the attack of diarrhea lasts from 1 to 3 weeks, this is called acute. Finally, if it exceeds 4 weeks, it is referred to as chronic diarrhea. Many health problems have diarrhea among their symptoms: it is always better to see clearly!

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What can be the causes of diarrhea

Diarrhea can be of various types also based on the triggering cause. It can be motor if it represents an alteration of intestinal transit, osmotic if the cause that causes diarrhea is for example a substance (an intolerance or even the use of laxatives), inflammatory if it originated from an infection, from impaired absorption substances (think for example of gluten intolerant, celiac disease often causes diarrhea!) or finally chronic. Obviously, to quickly solve the problem of diarrhea it is good to ascertain the causes: if an infection is in progress, the one to solve the problem must be treated and a diet will obviously not be enough! Similarly, if diarrhea is triggered by the use of drugs, such as antacids for reflux, laxatives or even an excess of supplements (do not abuse magnesium!), Then it will be necessary to ask the doctor how to proceed to find an adequate therapy. In all other episodes of acute diarrhea, particular attention to nutrition can be a very valuable aid. By continuing to read you will discover the right foods to take in case of diarrhea and if you have other symptoms in addition to diarrhea, always talk to your doctor as with any other health problem.

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Traveler's diarrhea: when it happens

There is a type of traveler's diarrhea which is typical of the tourist. It is an enteritis that usually affects those who travel to South East Asia in Africa or Central America where there are high temperatures and poor hygiene standards. The bacterium that originates it is Escherichia coli, other times in the most serious cases it can be caused by Salmonella, Staphylococcus or Campylobacter. The symptoms that should alarm in addition to diarrhea are abdominal cramps, fever, nausea and vomiting: in these cases it is good to contact your doctor immediately to get a precise diagnosis and above all to find out the right drugs to take.

What to do in the event of a diarrhea attack

When you have diarrhea your body suffers a high loss of fluids so the first thing to worry about is hydrating your body. Drinking a lot is the first way to take care of your well-being when you have diarrhea. So yes to lots of water but no to any type of alcohol, to drinks such as tea, cola or coffee that contain caffeine, no to fruit juices and herbal teas with fructose and carbonated drinks. Water is always the best solution, even those rich in multivitamin supplements and mineral salts. In addition to drinking often, the advice is to do it in small sips to allow the intestinal mucosa to absorb liquids: the annoying disorder will pass quickly!

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What foods to eat and which ones to avoid when you have diarrhea

With diarrhea you can eat many foods, from white bread to pasta, rice, lean meat, boiled fish, especially hard-boiled eggs, sausages such as cooked ham, raw ham or bresaola are all perfect foods. Vegetables are best eaten cooked (yes to lettuce, spinach, potatoes and carrots). For fruit, the most suitable in case of diarrhea is pineapple, banana, apricots, apples, peaches, grapefruit and lemon.
The foods to avoid when you have diarrhea are whole, fiber-based and raw vegetables. Remember to avoid very fatty foods, too spicy foods, fried foods, dried fruit, avocado and sweets rich in creams and aromas: sugar increases the production of liquids, making the situation worse!
In general, all astringent foods are very suitable in case of diarrhea: one of all the white rice, a perfect ally for your well-being. But also potatoes, rusks! Vegetable broth is also a good idea: in addition to supplementing the liquids lost with the discharge of diarrhea, it provides you with mineral salts and vitamins without weighing you down!
The advice given for water also applies to meals: do not binge as soon as your appetite returns, but frequently eat small doses of the right foods that can help you get your stomach and intestines used to its regular activity. There is a lot of talk about diets and well-being, learn to be wary of false myths!

See Also: Diet and Wellness Myths You Should Stop Believing

© iStock The myths about diet and wellness you should stop believing

Dairy products: when to avoid them

If you have diarrhea, it is best to avoid lactic acid because to digest lactose it is necessary to have the intestinal flora in perfect shape and it is certainly not the right time for these foods! Avoid all oily seasonings except extra virgin olive oil but without abusing them. Avoid nuts, sauces and spices for a few days and you will soon get back in shape!

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Foods that are very useful when you have diarrhea

As we have seen, there are so many things you can eat because they don't hurt you if you have diarrhea. But there are also foods that are very useful and that allow you to improve quickly and make you forget about this ailment for a long time. One of these is lemon, which has astringent properties and is also very moisturizing, and rich in vitamins and minerals. Squeeze a few drops of lemon into the water you drink both for breakfast and throughout the day: it's a wonder! Vegetable waters also allow us to hydrate and provide us with vitamins and mineral salts. You can find several on the market but you can also prepare them home made by adding water to cut fruit and vegetables. Then leave them to infuse in warm / hot water so that they release vitamins and mineral salts that will help you supplement the liquids. Fruit and vegetables that are perfect friends of vegetable waters are lemon, apple, fennel, celery, cucumbers and carrots! Another friend of the intestine in case of diarrhea is the banana because it provides us with potassium and vitamin C which is essential for the immune system also thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties. Other super good foods in case of diarrhea are oats, rich in soluble fiber that help the intestine and carrots that are good for health and help to compact the stool. It is very useful to eat them cooked, even in the form of puree: always include them in your menu and take care of your diet every day of the year!

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