A memorial dedicated to the victims of COVID-19 is born

It is called "Covid Memorial" and is an online platform designed to dedicate a memory to all those people who have fallen victim to the Coronavirus. People who have disappeared in total solitude, far from their loved ones, who have even been denied the possibility of organizing a funeral.

Memory and dignity: the key words of the project of 4 Italian boys

The idea comes from the ingenious - but above all - generous minds of four guys from the most diverse professional fields. Together they wanted to create a virtual space in which it was possible to keep alive the memory of those who left us, giving them a name, a face and telling their story.
"The memory must never disappear because it is the only great form of dignity", this is the philosophy behind the non-profit project.

A fundraiser for the Red Cross

But that is not all. In fact, the group has started a fundraiser in which donations can be made to support the work of the Red Cross. The goal they have set themselves is to reach the figure of 50,000 euros, what are we waiting for to help them? Click here to donate!

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