7 things you didn't know about pregnancy

Pregnancy is one of the most incredible journeys we women have the opportunity to make. From the meeting of two cells a wonderful creature develops and is born that, for 9 months, will stimulate our imagination at the thought of the first meeting.
While the baby grows in the belly, we are there to imagine what sensations we will experience when we could hold him in our arms for the first time: who knows if he does the same too!

1. Pregnancy without nausea

The annoying nausea that strikes especially in the morning is the prerogative of mankind. This disorder has been found in a few animal species, dogs and some monkeys, but it is a disease that affects them very very rarely.
The American psychologist Gordon G. Gallup has advanced a decidedly innovative theory, namely, that nausea is nothing more than the physiological reaction of the woman to the man's seminal fluid. The more recent the partner is, the less the woman has had the opportunity to get used to it. to him, and according to him, women who have a baby with a long-term partner are less likely to be sick.

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2. Feet don't look swollen - they're swollen!

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© Instagram Line Severinsen The problems of pregnancy according to Line Severinsen

In addition to swollen feet, this is the real truth and for this there is a scientific explanation: if you feel the need to buy new shoes, you are amply justified.
When we are pregnant our whole body prepares for time x and it seems that this happens also for the ligaments of the legs. These loosen and, for this reason, the feet seem to be more prone to swelling. Another school of thought, much more scientific, it states that the increase in progesterone, which works as a vasodilator, promotes blood stasis in the lower part of the body and causes water retention to increase. During pregnancy, try to keep your diet under control as much as possible!

3.Dad can be pregnant too

No, the bacon he put on before I got pregnant has nothing to do with that, but it's really possible that while you wait, he'll have cramps, nausea, and weight gain.
There are those who call it "nice pregnancy" and who call it "couvade syndrome" but the symptoms are the same, it seems that her body, to make you feel less alone, goes through all the stages of pregnancy with you, from kilos to plus (never let it be that you have a bigger belly than his) going through abdominal colic and insomnia.

4. Smell in pregnancy

During pregnancy we almost feel like we are superheroines, more than it normally happens. When you are pregnant, your sense of smell becomes hypersensitive and therefore the smells that you previously tolerated without any problem could turn out to be detestable. This occurs mainly for two reasons, one related to pre-birth and the other related to post.
Before giving birth we are naturally inclined to defend our baby and therefore we must be prepared to recognize potentially dangerous smells, such as that of smoke. As for the post-partum ... With a more developed sense of smell we have a better chance of recognizing our child and even falling in love with his scent!

5. The unborn child feels almost everything

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The first sense to develop is touch. After the first two months, the first tactile receptors appear around the lips and after three they will be present all over the face: they will cover the whole body around the seventh month. As for the auditory sensations instead, the little one perceives most of the noises around the thirtieth week, which is why from this moment on it is recommended to get used to the voice of mom and dad.
In the case of concerts, if mom and dad are real fans, it would be better to wait in order to be sure of being able to leave the little one at home: it is almost impossible for the noises to cause irreparable damage to the hearing of the future baby but, of course, they will not please him very much!

6. "Are you pregnant? Eat for two"

There is a belief that, since we are pregnant and we are hosting a new life, it is necessary to eat for two so that the child does not go hungry: this is not exactly the case.
In fact, future mothers only need 200kcal more, that is: 145gr of pasta, 75gr of french fries, 3 apples, 600gr of broccoli ... Obviously this varies from woman to woman, the only care needed is to stay calm and eat the best possible: it is always better to prefer quality over quantity!

7. You are more beautiful in pregnancy

You don't look radiant: you are radiant!
First of all, you are learning that your body can do anything and that the weaker sex is an absolutely absurd idea. You're enduring sleepless nights, incredible cravings, nausea, questions from those who don't know what you're going through because what they've been through has been insanely dramatic.
It won't happen, but if you have a dark moment, don't despair: you are in great company!

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