How to keep your teeth white?

Why do teeth turn yellow?

Enamel is a mineral layer that lines the dentin and protects the teeth. However, enamel is easily damaged, especially if you brush your teeth aggressively, use harsh toothpastes or have a too acidic diet, which will tend to attack your teeth. Furthermore, it must be admitted that the color of the tooth enamel varies according to of people: some naturally tend towards yellow, while others are lucky enough to have bright white teeth!

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However, you can avoid or limit yellowing by following this rule: no red wine, no cigarettes, no coffee and no acidity! This rule is the secret to a bright white smile. It's all about motivation and measure!

Some indications

    • Coca Cola and other types of soft drinks contain citric acid, which weakens and demineralizes the teeth. Warning: never brush your teeth immediately after drinking these drinks: your teeth are demineralized, they would not have time to rest, brushing them would remove a layer of enamel.
    • Coffee and tea color your teeth but don't attack them deeply: if you have a choice, get rid of carbonated drinks and lemon instead!

    Do-it-yourself solutions

    There are products on the market that promise to restore and preserve the whiteness of your teeth: whitening strips, solutions to be applied on the teeth ... The hydrogen peroxide that these products often contain is also used by the dentist in whitening, but the dosage is less powerful. If you want your teeth to be white again, start by wiping some baking soda on your toothbrush before brushing them, no more than twice a week.The key is not to overdo it because, in the long run, your teeth may become sensitized.

    The golden rules for a perfect smile

    Whitening toothpastes, trust or not?

    Generally, whitening toothpastes on the market are rich in silicon (which has a strong abrasive power) and therefore are not particularly recommended, in fact, by cleaning the surface of the teeth, silicon damages the enamel which, once damaged, will never return to its original state. first… It is therefore necessary to use them only a couple of times a week, like baking soda.

    Tips: how to brush your teeth well

    Did you know that? The product contained in the teeth whitening solutions, hydrogen peroxide, acts only on real teeth!

    At the dentist

    Whitening done by a dentist will have more visible and faster results than do-it-yourself solutions. However, the cost remains high and may put some of us off! How does the visit take place? Typically, the dentist performs three applications that last a few minutes.

    The whitening laser

    Dentists are now proposing a new solution for teeth whitening: a paste is applied to the teeth, which is then heated by a laser. Warning: caustic and somewhat dangerous, this method can devitalize sensitive teeth.

    Finally, it is good to know that all types of whitening weaken the teeth, even those done by the dentist, and that you must never overdo it.

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