Libra ascendant Cancer: meaning of the most sensitive ascendant in the sign with a complex and fascinating personality

Cancer ascending Libra surprises you twice, when you know it and when you discover by reading this article all the special characteristics of its sign that make it truly a complex and sparkling personality. Each sign of the zodiac has its peculiarities: watch this video and discover 3 adjectives suitable to tell the different signs of the "horoscope! Among the 12 signs there is also yours, discover the 3 adjectives that better than others can tell who you are!"

The astrological sign of Cancer: gentle, sensitive and romantic with a tendency to spiritual love

If you were born between June 22nd and July 22nd, then you are a Cancerian. This zodiac sign is ruled by the Moon, it is a cardinal sign and has water as its natural element; it is very emotional, sensitive and has a strong intuition. Cancer is a complicated sign, always ready to defend its spaces from external dangers ; he is very attached to home and family and if he serves as a shield to face unexpected events and difficulties. In his world he allows only a few privileged people to enter, welcomed with affection and maximum availability. His is a polite, kind, gallant zodiac sign . He has a very emotional and sensitive personality, sometimes aimed at obtaining protection from others. These natives tend to be lazy, but not at work, where they can be excellent managers and entrepreneurs, who know how to choose their collaborators and have an excellent relationship with them. This sign is linked as a natural element to Water and as anatomy of the human body to the breast and belly; it is ruled by the Moon, its color is white. People born under this sign are thoughtful and reserved; they desire stability, romance, and a solid and satisfying relationship. They are passionate, very jealous of their partner. They are fundamentally honest and worthy of esteem and sought after for their character skills.
By continuing to read this article you will discover how those born under the sign of Cancer with Libra ascendant behave and what they do not like, true leaders of the horoscope, capable of attracting the other signs of the zodiac with their magnetic power and in particular they are irresistible for capricorn, pisces and twins with whom they usually make a fixed couple always if the house of the ascendant is in agreement!

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The sign of Libra and the Libra ascendant in Western astrology: characteristics of the scales

Libra is part, like Gemini and Aquarius, of the signs linked to the natural element Air, with a propensity for artistic and creative activities. Those born between September 23 and October 22 belong to this zodiac sign. Dominated by Venus, an icon of beauty and moderation, they are charming people, rich in aesthetic sense, who appreciate beauty and refinement. They do not like conflicts. Their need for certainty sometimes leads them to unions with partners with whom they have few real affinities and characters that are not very compatible Those who have the Libra ascendant form very harmonious affective and loving relationships. They know how to be good friends, they always have a kind word for others; many ask for their help when they find themselves in complicated situations. They never deny themselves to others, sometimes even to the detriment of their own person and their needs of the moment. They always try to maintain a certain balance and even in love they manage to restrain emotion and reflect rationally. Those with Libra ascendant will choose a job in which it is necessary to have sensitivity, empathy, understanding for others and to know how to act and think in a way. judicious. They do not easily accept the criticisms of others and love to feel appreciated by those who work for them or collaborate with them. The influence of Venus is heavily felt on the Libra ascendant, leading these subjects towards an immeasurable romanticism. A simple loving, protective, sweet gesture conquers them easily, even a silent walk hand in hand.

See also: Vip Zodiac: the stars born under the sign of Cancer

© Getty The stars born under the sign of Cancer

Libra ascendant Cancer: creative in search of true love

If you were born under the sign of Cancer with a Libra ascendant, you do not love loneliness, but you are not always able to deal with the outside world. At work you are a professional and serious person and you commit yourself with all your strength. You escape conflicts, but you don't always manage to stay away from complicated love relationships. As objectives pursue harmony and spiritual and material well-being. The Libra ascendant Cancer in Western astrology is very predisposed to artistic activities, in order to freely express his talent and live his emotionality without restraints with pure enjoyment. He has a whimsical, creative personality, a lover of looks, cuisine, art in general. This sign with this ascendant seeks true love and if he finds it he becomes affectionate and devoted, but if he is not sure he has achieved the " goal of being loved. he loses his confidence and is no longer successful in other areas of life. The natives of Cancer with a Libra ascendant love to have fun and relax in a worldly and convivial way. In these contexts, in fact, they manage to flaunt the maximum the charm of Libra, which gives the Cancerian way to overcome his basic shyness, makes him sympathetic to all, making him reach the top in love, professional and friendly relationships. However, if the native insecurity of Cancer prevails, his brilliant mind he goes to waste and the choices are often wrong. At work he works so hard, precisely because he wants to have the respect of those who collaborate with him, the appreciation of his abilities. In the professional field he loves everything related to the artistic field and communication. However, he has little confidence in himself and is often conditioned by the influence that others exert on him.

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Libra ascendant: woman and man and affinities

The woman with this sign and this ascendant reveals herself to others vulnerable and emotional, but she is nice for her generosity, for her charming character and therefore she is successful in her professional career and is supported by those around her. Always looking for a sector in which to give free rein to his artistic and creative talent, he must however be stronger and must not lose courage during this path. Man with this sign and this ascendant uses his innate charm to communicate with others and be supported. He has the soul of an artist, but at times he is uncertain, he does not really trust himself and, if he becomes emotionally prey, he tends to hide his real thoughts and feelings. This sign with this ascendant involves and seduces others; no one resists the pleasure of forming a relationship with him of any kind, be it friendly, professional or sentimental. But in all fields his indecision and uncertainty always risk prevailing. His horoscope sees the union of balance and the reconciling nature of Libra with the sensitivity and emotionality of Cancer. If you were born between June 22nd and July 22nd, then you are of the sign of Cancer. Cancer, is Ruled by the Moon, this cardinal and water sign is highly emotional, sensitive and possesses a strong intuition.

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Cancer with the ascendants Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo and Virgo

This sensitive and intuitive sign is the most linked of the zodiac signs to the past, the family of origin and the world of childhood. The various ascendants affect his personality and his way of manifesting himself to others differently. The ascendant is the zodiac sign that rises at the moment of birth on the eastern horizon. The identification of the ascendant sign is determined by the time and the latitude and longitude of the place of birth. The ascendant exercises, just like the sun sign and the moon sign, great importance on the individual: it represents not only the way in which the individual sees himself, but also the way in which he moves in his environment, the type of energy it uses to distinguish itself from others and also physical appearance. The ascendant is the sign that rises in the east at the moment of the coming into the world of each individual. If the Cancer has the ascendant in Aries, he is a magnanimous person, but not always coherent. It is a determined personality, but only apparently calm. If he gets nervous it's trouble. If he has the Taurus ascendant he knows how to mix eroticism and sweetness with a practical sense of life. He loves good food and believes very much in family and true friends. Cancer Gemini is cheerful, sunny, charming and skilled in communicating with others.
Cancer with Cancer ascendant is very susceptible, if provoked, they close in on themselves. It has a very emotional, but also empathetic character. She is very interested in the weak and cares for every need of a loved one, children, relatives and closest friends. The Cancer-Leo takes on self-centered and narcissistic character shades, he always wants to be at the center of the scene and be the leader in every context. He shows himself generous to others, but expects to be appreciated for it and asks others for loyalty and gratitude. He has a sunny and outgoing personality, but is very possessive of his loved one. Likes to be flattered and courted. If Cancer has the ascendant in Virgo he is very fussy, reserved, has practical sense, but he is also stubborn and stubborn. He has a generous personality, which you can always rely on for his strong sense of responsibility and always ready to give a they love those who need it.

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Cancer with the ascendants Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.

Cancer with Libra ascendant has a great sense of responsibility, but does not want anything to be imposed on them. Equipped with a sense of responsibility, if in love he is present and protective with his loved one, he is not quarrelsome and is not intrusive. Cancer with Scorpio ascendant is a personality with great energy, has great communication skills, but is too controversial, shows a lot of interest in the world of the paranormal. Cancer with the ascendant in Sagittarius has a lovable character, knows how to laugh, joke, chat, loves people and good food. He hates monotony and may be seduced and unfaithful. Cancer with Capricorn ascendant has an interesting personality to analyze; he is very ambitious, determined to reach the set goals and does everything he can not to disappoint himself and others. They fear nothing and rely heavily on their willpower and abilities. Cancer with the ascendant in Aquarius believes in the sacred bond of friendship, they are intelligent, they know what to do to achieve their goals. He has a great intellectual vivacity and a lot of sensitivity. He can engage in politics, social issues, trade unions in any profession that affects the interests of the community. loves solid, serious and lasting relationships. With the Pisces Ascendant Cancer becomes even more sentimental and sweet; his romanticism is enhanced by acquiring greater capacity for seduction, even if he does not like short-term adventures. He has a large inner world and is a creative, but at times he becomes introverted due to his exaggerated emotionality which leads him to be in an unstable mood.

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