Calories from vegetables: which ones to choose so as not to get heavy

The calories of vegetables make up part of the total kcal to be ingested each day. If we wanted to be more specific, we could say that the ration of vegetables in the diet should never be missing, because these are a source of vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients. Vegetables contain a mixture of carbohydrates, along with small amounts of fat. and healthy proteins Let's find out the specific calories for each type of vegetable.

Calories of vegetables: how to recognize the lighter ones?

It is true that most vegetables are low in calories, but it must be considered that they also offer many vitamins: C, E, A. If we add to this their high content of beta-carotene, fiber and minerals, we understand that vegetables they are essential for our livelihood.

They represent one of the most precious sources of fiber: this is one of the reasons why artichokes, starchy vegetables like potatoes and leafy vegetables like black cabbage have high nutritional values.
Broccoli contains more than double the recommended daily allowance of vitamin C and, for example, a medium-sized sweet potato has more than 500% of the amount of vitamin A needed. Those who follow a vegetarian or vegan diet should always eat a lot of spinach: 90 g contains 3 grams of protein.
Since there is often a lot of confusion about the calories of vegetables, let's clarify the tables below.

See also

The calories of meat

How to calculate calories correctly

Calorie fruit: which are the least caloric fruits?

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Leafy vegetables
Green or red cabbage: 25 calories
Cauliflower: 30 calories
Brussels sprouts: 50 calories
Broccoli: 30 calories
Spinach: 25 calories
Chard: 29 calories

Vegetable fruits
Tomatoes: 22 calories
Peppers: 25 calories
Eggplant: 27 calories
Avocado: 220 calories

Seeds and pods
Peas: 69 calories
Snow peas: 85 calories
Green beans and green beans: 35 calories

Bulb vegetables
Onions: 33 calories
Leeks: 30 calories
Garlic: 149 calories

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Zucchini and courgettes
Zucchini: 17 calories
Cucumbers: 15 calories
Pumpkin: 25 calories

Root and tuber vegetables
Turnips: 35 calories
Celery: 35 calories
Beets: 40 calories
Barbadibecco: 70 calories
Carrots: 33 calories
Potatoes: 90 calories
Jerusalem artichoke: 73 calories

Stem vegetables
Artichokes: 40 calories
Endives: 15 calories
Asparagus: 26 calories
Fennel: 25 calories
Celery stalk: 25 calories

Mushrooms: 27 calories

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Calories from vegetables: can you eat them at will?

To lose weight, as we know, we need to reduce our rations. But does this also apply to vegetables, such as carrots? For example, as for raw vegetables, without sauce, can we eat as much as we want?
The answer from the experts is this.
It is true that the sauce accompanying vegetables must be taken into account when calculating their caloric value. Vegetables are rarely eaten without sauce or fat. With the same caloric value, they have a large volume compared to other foods. They are therefore interesting because they fill the stomach, give a feeling of rapid satiety and are low in calories. But watch out for the sauces!
That said, vegetables without sauce still bring calories: 33 cal per 100 grams is the caloric value of carrots. So a pound of carrots without sauce will have 330 calories, like a hamburger without sauce. There is a limit to everything!

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