Libra: what will love be like in 2017?

As far as love and feelings are concerned, you will remember 2017 for a long time, dear Libra. It will be a very important year for you, full of turning points and great victories. Until October Jupiter will dwell in your sign: every enterprise, every adventure too. sentimental character that will be born in this period will be destined for success. Mind you: not everything will go very smoothly, there will be discussions, misunderstandings and moments of tiredness, especially in the first part of the year, but in the end love will triumph, just like in best of fairy tales.

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Do not be discouraged, therefore, if in the months of February and March your story will go through a bit of turbulence: the planet Venus will be in opposition to your sign, but the joint action of Jupiter and Saturn in favor will help you to overcome the difficulties and your couple will be strengthened. A further period of crisis could occur in the month of May: it will be better for you to seek dialogue as much as you can and to face the problems head on. As a good Libra you are, you will be tempted to keep everything inside and close yourself in to avoid a fight that you fear could have negative repercussions. Instead, it is better to clearly express your position and discuss: if there is a real understanding between you, you will grow together as a couple and you will be stronger than before, in view of a summer full of romance and beautiful surprises.

See also

Libra ascending Libra: beauty and seduction

Libra ascendant: personality and main characteristics

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In October, when Jupiter leaves your sign, Venus will finally enter it and will ensure you a passionate and magical autumn, in which you can enjoy all the benefits acquired in the previous months. You will experience a peaceful December month, knowing that you have the right person at your side.

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